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阅读JSON 地图编辑档案和显示信库
原标题:Reading JSON Tiled map editor file and displaying to canvas

http://blog.hashrocket.com/posts/using-tiled-and-canvas-to-render-amines” rel=“noreferer”>this tutorial to be found toload jsonmap documentation produced by tiledmap Editor in my javascript/canvashoo.

只字不提我自己使用过哪一种版本,在 con或净等的火力上没有错误。

只要看一看,就把ole塞。 标识和警示,文字绝对是罚款!

The problem is the canvas stays blank! when it should have a tilemap now on it.

Here is my version of the tutorial implemented in my game:

function Level() {
var c;
var data;
var layers = [];

this.get_map = function(name,ctx){
    c = ctx;
    $.getJSON( maps/ + name +  .json , function(json){

function get_tileset(json) {
    data = json;
    this.tileset = $("<img />", { src: json.tilesets[0].image })[0];
    this.tileset.onload = renderLayers(this);

function renderLayers(layers){
    layers = $.isArray(layers) ? layers : data.layers;

function renderLayer (layer){
    if (layer.type !== "tilelayer" || !layer.opacity) {
        alert("Not a tileLayer");
    var s = c.canvas.cloneNode(),
            size = data.tileWidth;
    s = s.getContext("2d");

    if (layers.length < data.layers.length) {
        layer.data.forEach(function(tile_idx, i) {
            if (!tile_idx) { return; }
            var img_x, img_y, s_x, s_y,
                tile = data.tilesets[0];
            img_x = (tile_idx % (tile.imagewidth / size)) * size;
            img_y = ~~(tile_idx / (tile.imagewidth / size)) * size;
            s_x = (i % layer.width) * size;
            s_y = ~~(i / layer.width) * size;
            s.drawImage(this.tileset, img_x, img_y, size, size,
                s_x, s_y, size, size);

        c.drawImage(s.canvas, 0, 0);
    else {
        layers.forEach(function(src) {
            var i = $("<img />", { src: src })[0];
            c.drawImage(i, 0, 0);



并且从我的主要 j手档案中传来:


var canvas = document.getElementById("TBG");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var ui = new Gui();
var level = new Level();

//----------Login/Register Gui --------------
$( #TBG ).hide();
$( #load-new ).hide();
$( #reg ).hide();
$( #login ).hide();

//if login_but is clicked do ui.login function
$( #login_but ).click(ui.login);
//if reg_but is clicked do ui.register function
$( #reg_but ).click(ui.register);

$( #new_but ).click(function(){

$( #load_but ).click(function(){

//if login_sumbit button is clicked do ui.login_ajax function


$("#welcome").on("click", "#logout_but", ui.logout);


//Initialisation of game

function game_settings(state){
    if(state == "load"){
        //do ajax call to load user last save
        //set beginning params

        //Change screens
        alert("new game");

// End Loop ------------------------------------------------------


I don t suppose you lovely people could spot why the tile-map isn t being printed to my canvas?

Thanks for any help Tom


Tiled + Canvas

我在。 Shane Riley。 一个有趣的职位!

好消息 我从他的神学中挑选了他的代码,我有他在当地使用的手法。


(1) 您的功用不大。

2) 你需要把Shane's demo案卷的all上点到位于your的地方计算机上。 我只是把所有这些档案集中起来(为我工作)。 你们需要联系这些档案(细节如下):

  • mountain.html
  • mountain.json
  • mountain.tmx
  • mountain_landscape_23.png
  • render_scene.js

Here are the details. These worked for me and they should work for you. But if not, let me know and I can post my complete code.

页: 1 在您的原封不动中,旋涡轮机预计可使用代号<>或在线功能,而不是功能要求。

// not this.tileset.onload=renderLayers(this)

// change the signature of renderLayers 
// (you have “layers” in scope for visibility in this function so this s/b ok)
// So: not function renderLayers(layers)
function renderLayers()    

Please include an error catcher in your $.getJSON so you get visibility on failed requests!

$.getJSON( maps/ + name +  .json , function(json){
}).fail( alert(“I think you should know that something has gone horribly wrong!”);  );

Here are the changes required to localize your files.


    <script src="render_scene.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


load: function(name) {
  return $.ajax({
    url: "mountain.json",
    dataType: "text json"
  }).done($.proxy(this.loadTileset, this));

In mountain.json:



<image source="mountain_landscape_23.png" width="512" height="512"/>


重要! 视你如何建立自己的发展环境而定,你可能会获得一个多面的安保管理者,浏览器将拒绝抽出你的tile。 如果是的话,将这一笔记卷带入像光店这样的编辑中,将其撤回到贵方的田地,以抵消CORS的错误。

Heh, 约10yrs迟,但如果你改变,

        size = data.tileWidth;


        size = data.tilewidth;


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