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如何从@form 内容中填满国际交易日志
原标题:How to populate UI from @form content

I am new to LiveView, Phoenix and Elixir, and I am struggling to populate the UI from the form content. Here s a simplified version of what I have in my code: I have defined a struct with some simple fields:

defmodule MyApp.MyStruct do
  defstruct some_integer: 3,
            some_string: "",
            some_bool: true


defmodule MyApp.Context do
  alias MyApp.MyStruct

  def current_struct() do

It simply returns the newly created struct with default values. I will implement modifying later. Now, I need to display a form populated with these values + allow modifying them. This is my _live.ex file:

defmodule MyAppWeb.ViewLive do
  alias MyApp.MyStruct
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, form: to_form(Map.from_struct(Context.current_struct())))}

  # Here I have handle_event methods, but they don t do anything at the moment.


<div class="container mx-auto my-4">
  <.form for={@form} phx-change="change_form" phx-submit="submit_form">
    <!-- Number picker -->
    <div class="mb-4">
      <.label>I want to pick a number here:</.label>
    <div class="flex items-center space-x-4 mb-4">
      <label class="cursor-pointer">
    <input type="radio" name="some_integer" value="3" class="hidden" checked={Context.current_struct().some_integer == 3}
        <span class={"px-4 py-2 rounded-md #{if Context.current_struct().some_integer == 3, do: "bg-gray-400", else: "bg-gray-200"} hover:bg-gray-400"}>
          3 of something
      <!-- More of these integer options -->

    <!-- Checkbox -->
    <div class="mb-4">
        label="I d like this to be true or false:"


The code above kind of works now for initial values, but it stops working when I select 7 or 10 instead of 3. Note how to get the value or compute background colours I use Context.my_struct() for calculations. I assume, that if I implement handle_event("change_form"...) and modify my current_struct() on each change, then the change would also be applied on UI. But I would like to modify the actual struct only on submit, and in the meantime to get the data from the @form. I tried to do that, but failed.



然后它坠毁。 当我尝试使用<代码>input_ Value()时,我总是拿到零件,即使<代码>inspect(form)<代码>显示,s_integer <>/code>和s_bool/code>。 我期望它们有价值。



I assume, that if I implement handle_event("change_form"...) and modify my current_struct() on each change, then the change would also be applied on UI. But I would like to modify the actual struct only on submit, and in the meantime to get the data from the @form

在<代码>()中,你可以从你的结构中提取这些数值,并将这些数值储存在册,然后这些数值可用于填入<编码>。 在用户对表格进行改动后,将打电话到handle_event(>,handle_event()将接受表格中所用的数值。

In addition, inside mount() you can save your original struct in the socket, then in handle_event() you will be able to access any values from the struct that you need. After the user hits Submit, handle_event() will receive the final values entered into the form, which you can use to update the original struct.


#=========  Your struct code =======

defmodule MyApp.MyStruct do
  defstruct some_integer: 3,
            some_string: "",
            some_bool: true

defmodule MyApp.Context do
  alias MyApp.MyStruct

  def current_struct() do


defmodule DemoWeb.DemoLive do
  use DemoWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    orig_struct = MyApp.Context.current_struct()
    o_int = orig_struct.some_integer
    o_string = orig_struct.some_string
    o_bool = orig_struct.some_bool

    initial_form_data = %{
      "input_int" => o_int,
      "input_string" => o_string,
      "input_bool" => o_bool

    socket = assign(socket,
        my_struct: orig_struct,
        current_int: o_int,
        current_string: o_string,
        current_bool: o_bool,
        my_form: to_form(initial_form_data)

    {:ok, socket}

  def render(assigns) do

    # When you write:
    # <.form for={@my_form} ... >
    #   <.input  field={@my_form[:input_int] } ... />
    # that creates an input element with the type atribute set to "text",
    # the name and id attributes set to "input_int", and the value
    # attribute set to the value corresponding to the "input_int" key in the form data
    # given to to_form().  If there s no key for "input_int" in the form data, then there
    # won t be a value attribute--unless you explicitly set the value attribute.  Explicitly
    # setting the value attribute takes precedence over any form data given to to_form().

      <%= "current integer: #{@current_int}, current string: #{@current_string},
           current bool: #{@current_bool}"  %>
    <%= "original integer: #{@my_struct.some_integer}, original string: #{@my_struct.some_string},
           original bool: #{@my_struct.some_bool}"  %>

    <.form for={@my_form} phx-change="changed" phx-submit="save">
      <.input label="Some integer:"
              field={@my_form[:input_int] } 
      <.input label="Some string:"
      <.input label="Some bool:"

  def handle_event("changed",
                   %{"input_int" => entered_int,
                     "input_string" => entered_string,
                     "input_bool" => entered_bool
                  socket) do

    #Do something with entered_int, entered_string, entered_bool, e.g. change
    #the values that the <div> uses:
    socket = assign(socket,
                    current_int: entered_int,
                    current_string: entered_string,
                    current_bool: entered_bool

    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_event("save",
                   %{"input_int" => entered_int,
                     "input_string" => entered_string,
                     "input_bool" => entered_bool
                   socket) do

    start_struct = socket.assigns.my_struct
    updated_struct = %{start_struct | some_integer: entered_int,
                                      some_string: entered_string,
                                      some_bool: entered_bool}
    #Do something with updated_struct, e.g.:
    IO.inspect(updated_struct, label: "[ME]updated struct:")

    {:noreply, socket}







 def handle_event("save",
                   %{"input_int" => entered_int,
                     "input_string" => entered_string,
                     "input_bool" => entered_bool
                   socket) do

pattern/em>。 • 绘制地图,如:

iex(2)> function_argument = %{"a" => 10, "b" => 20}
%{"a" => 10, "b" => 20}

iex(3)> %{"a" => a_val} = function_argument
%{"a" => 10, "b" => 20}

iex(4)> a_val

iex(5)> %{"b" => b_val, "a" => a_val} = function_argument
%{"a" => 10, "b" => 20}

iex(6)> b_val

iex(7)> a_val


 def handle_event("save", payload, socket) do

   %{"input_int" => entered_int,
     "input_string" => entered_string,
     "input_bool" => entered_bool} = payload


updated_struct = %{start_struct | some_integer: entered_int,
                                  some_string: entered_string,
                                  some_bool: entered_bool}

利用special syntax,用于更新地图或结构(如用于清单的Syntax)。 特别辛迪加确保这些钥匙已经列入地图,因此,错失行为不会给地图增添新的钥匙。

Watch the output in a terminal window, and you ll be able to see what happens when you change an input field or hit the Submit button.

When I try to use input_value(), then I always get nil, even if inspect(form) shows that both some_integer and some_bool have the values that I expect them to have.

我获得的唯一途径是<代码>nil。 我请我发言:

Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(my_form, :input_int)


Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(my_form, :non_exist)


my_form = socket.assigns.my_form
IO.inspect(my_form, label: "[ME]:form")
IO.inspect(Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(my_form, :input_int), label: "[ME]: input_value()" )


[ME]:form: %Phoenix.HTML.Form{
  source: %{"input_bool" => true, "input_int" => 3, "input_string" => ""},
  impl: Phoenix.HTML.FormData.Map,
  id: nil,
  name: nil,
  data: %{},
  hidden: [],
  params: %{"input_bool" => true, "input_int" => 3, "input_string" => ""},
  errors: [],
  options: [],
  index: nil,
  action: nil
[ME]: input_value(): 3
[ME]updated struct:: %MyApp.MyStruct{some_integer: "3", some_string: "", some_bool: ""}
[debug] Replied in 6ms

But, the value returned was the value which was used to create the form in mount().

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