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React: Accessed State from Customs Hook Inside event Handler
原标题:React: Accessing Updated State from Custom Hook Inside Event Handler

在复读部分,Im面临一项挑战,即活动手和习俗之间的国家同步。 活动主持人更新了国家变量,我需要获得另一个国家的最新价值,而后者是根据这一最新状况而从习俗中得出的。



function MyComponent(props) {
  const [a, setA] = useState(null);
  const b = useCustomHook(a);

  const eventHandler = useCallback(async (event) => {
    try {
      const c = event.data;


      if (b) { // we need to use b here, but it is stale (one step behind)
        // logic
      else {
        // more logic
    } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Error:`, e);

  }, [b]);

问题是,<条码>b始终是活动手脚的一步。 在发生事件时,其价值尚未更新。



什么解决办法符合反应模式? 我如何调整我的法典,以解决这个问题?




    const latestBRef = useRef(b);

    useEffect(() => {
      latestBRef.current = b;
    }, [b]);

    // inside your eventHandler , use latestBRef.current instead of b

Remove b as a dependecy from useCallback. If this is not helping , please put that in a code sandbox, so we can try different solutions.

在很多集思广益、撰写法典和打字之后(在大查小组的帮助下),我最后提出了一些似乎解决我问题的法典。 它可能不是精心设计的、简单、高效的、符合最佳做法的,但似乎在我使用的情况下是正确的。

I would be glad to get feedback on this solution, and if you know of a more efficient, React-friendly way of handling this problem, I would love to know about it!

Below is a revised version of my code that aims to provide a solution to the simplified problem (using a, b, and c) that I originally posted.

const useCustomHookArgs = [ foo ,  bar ]

// useCustomHook needs to be adapted to take a flag based on which it may or may not reset its state.
// I reset its state when using it in conjunction with useEventDependentEffect, but otherwise
// pass shouldResetState = false in the rest of my code

const useCustomHook = (shouldResetState = false, ...useCustomHookArgs) => {
  const [b, setB] = useState(null);
  const [shouldReset, setShouldReset] = useState(false);

  // Use an effect to set b and an internal shouldReset flag based on the shouldResetState arg
  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      // Logic to fetch data based on args
      const fetchedData = /* fetch logic */;


      if (shouldResetState) {
        setShouldReset(true); // Flag needed to reset b after it has been used

    unsubscribeFromStore = subscribeToStore();

    return () => {
  }, [...useCustomHookArgs]);

  // Use an effect to reset b (and the shouldReset flag) after it has been used
  useEffect(() => {
    if (shouldReset) {
  }, [shouldReset]);

  return b;

// useEventDependentEffect is a custom hook that captures the logic needed to
// capture a at the time of the eventHandler call, and then compute b from a

const useEventDependentEffect = (eventHandler, effectFunction, aToCapture, computeB, computeBArgs) => {
  const [trigger, setTrigger] = useState(0);
  const capturedARef = useRef();
  const [capturedA, setCapturedA] = useState(null);
  const [computedB, setComputedB] = useState(null);

  const shouldResetState = true;

  const newComputedB = computeB(shouldResetState, ...computeBArgs, capturedA);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (newComputedB != null && newComputedB !== computedB) {
  }, [newComputedB, computedB]);

  // Enhanced event handler to capture a and trigger the effect
  const enhancedEventHandler = useCallback((...args) => {
    capturedARef.current = aToCapture.current;
    setTrigger(trigger + 1);  // Trigger the effect
  }, [eventHandler, trigger]);

  // Effect that runs the desired logic with the captured a
  useEffect(() => {
    if (trigger) {
      const newCapturedA = capturedARef.current;

      // Compare newCapturedA with the current capturedA
      if (newCapturedA !== capturedA) {

      if(computedB != null) {
        // Call effectFunction with the computed b to run the logic
        // that needed to run below setA(c) in the original problem
        effectFunction(computedB, capturedARef.current);

        setTrigger(0);  // Reset the trigger
  }, [trigger, effectFunction, capturedA, computeB, computedB]);

  return enhancedEventHandler;

function MyComponent(props) {
  const [a, setA] = useState(null);
  const aRef = useRef(a);

  const eventHandler = (event) => {
    const c = event.data;

    aRef.current = c;

  const effectFunction = async (b, a) => {
    try {
      if (b) {
        // logic using a
      } else {
        // more logic using a
    } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Error:`, e);

  const aToCapture = {
    a: aRef

  const handleEvent = useEventDependentEffect(eventHandler, effectFunction, aToCapture, useCustomHook, useCustomHookArgs);

  // Render logic and event binding using handleEvent

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