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穿透大型阵容,而不在 Java
原标题:Looping through large array without freezing in JavaScript

我要说的是,我有10 000名随机分类的愤怒。 在通过该守则时,我想逐个增加<条码>。 如果我这样做的话,那是:

const myArray = [/* 10000 totally random integers! */];
let pos = 0;
while (pos < myArray.length) {
  document.getElementById("unorderedList").innerHTML += `<li>${pos}</li>`;

It freezes the whole window until it finishes, then it logs everything. How can I make it so the loop adds the number every iteration until it finishes instead of finishing the loop then printing everything? Note: this hypothetical function also needs to interact with a Window created with window.open, so I don t think I can use workers since that interacts with the DOM.



requestAnimationFrame is a JavaScript method used for smooth and efficient animations on the web.

It schedules a provided function to run before the next repaint, ensuring optimal performance by syncing with the browser s rendering cycle.

Unlike alternatives like setTimeout, it adapts to the screen refresh rate, resulting in visually smoother animations and better resource utilization.



const myArray = new Array(10000).fill(0).map((_, index) => index);
const batchSize = 30; //you can control speed by this variable
let pos = 0;
const unorderedList = document.getElementById("unorderedList");

const updateDOM = () => {
  const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

  while (pos < myArray.length && fragment.children.length < batchSize) {
    const li = document.createElement( li );
    li.textContent = myArray[pos++];


  pos < myArray.length ? requestAnimationFrame(updateDOM) : stop();

const start = () => requestAnimationFrame(updateDOM);
const stop = () => console.log("done!");

<div id="unorderedList"></div>





const myArray = [/* 10000 totally random integers! */];
let pos = 0;

function processArrayChunk() {
  const ul = document.getElementById("unorderedList");
  const chunkSize = 50; // adjust it according to your myArray size

  for (let i = 0; i < chunkSize && pos < myArray.length; i++) {
    const li = document.createElement("li");
    li.textContent = myArray[pos];

  if (pos < myArray.length) {
  } else {


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