English 中文(简体)
原标题:Type placeholder in Template Literals?


    if(location.href == `${base}/tours`) {
      console.log("in list")
    } else if (location.href == `${base}/tours/${string}`) {
      console.log("in detail");



。 我只是想成为任何扼杀的避风港。

我很想知道,在模板字面上是否甚至有可能有作为股东的一类? 在第二个<条码>中 www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm


模板字面只能形成一种单一的、具体的示意图。 他们不能表达“任何扼杀”的概念。


if (location.href.startsWith(`${base}/tours/`)) {
  console.log("in detail");


const pattern = new RegExp(`^${base}/tours/(.*)`);
const result = pattern.exec(location.href);
if (result) {
  console.log("in detail");
  // The part matched by `(.*)` will also be available as `result[1]`

Stepping back, the cleanest solution would be to use a router library that handles these URLs for you. For example, in React you can use react-router.

In typescript, you can just use it like

type Route = `/tours/${string}`;


// Should succeed:


// Should error:

// @ts-expect-error
// @ts-expect-error

As you noticed this will replace ${string} with whatever your string is but it has to start with the /.

我刚刚学到这段话,在“总书”课程之后,你可以从<>Matt Pocock本人的here获得更多详情。

另外,从 官方TS Docs/a>获取更多信息。

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