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VBA Excel cell。 价值不显示任何价值
原标题:VBA Excel cell.value does not show any value
  • 时间:2023-12-21 11:03:34
  •  标签:
  • excel
  • vba


Loop Excel Save As

然而,我不理解为什么<代码>Cell.Value没有回落,而Cell.Address/code>。 工作


 Sub Creator()

     Dim ObjWorkbook As Workbook
     Set ObjWorkbook = Workbooks.Open( _

     Dim cRng As Range, c As Range, Row As Range, cell As Range
     Dim strName As String, pName As String

     strName = "-Jan24-Timesheet"

     Dim i As Long

     Set cRng = Sheet1.Range("AA1:AA5")

     For Each Row In cRng.Rows
         For Each cell In Row.Cells
             Debug.Print cell.Value & strName
         Next cell
     Next Row

Debug。 印刷仅像以下通用插图



在我进一步开会之前,我使用了<代码>Debug.Print的功能。 在我开始提出这些文件之前,我需要在现阶段找到一个很好的解决办法。




  1. Here s your updated code that works on my system using the answer to the question you linked (Loop Excel Save As) and the comments to your own question above:


Sub test1()
    Dim wb2 As Workbook
    Dim wb2ws1 As Worksheet
    Dim cRng As Range, c As Range, Row As Range, cell As Range
    Dim strName As String, pName As String

    strName = "-Jan24-Timesheet"
    Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:myCosts.xlsx")
    Set wb2ws1 = wb2.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Set cRng = wb2ws1.Range("AA1:AA5")
    Debug.Print "Opened workbook: " & wb2.Name & ", sheet: " & wb2ws1.Name
    For Each cell In cRng.Cells
        Debug.Print cell.Value & strName

    wb2.Close SaveChanges:=False: Set wb2 = Nothing
  1. 这里还有你更新的代码,但如上面的公开方法,在回收价值时,成本-xsx将t闪光放在屏幕上:

    Sub test2() Dim exlapp As New Excel.Application Dim wb2 As Excel.Workbook Dim wb2ws1 As Worksheet Dim cRng As Range, c As Range, Row As Range, cell As Range Dim strName As String, pName As String

     strName = "-Jan24-Timesheet"
     Set wb2 = exlapp.Workbooks.Add("C:myCosts.xlsx")
     Set wb2ws1 = wb2.Sheets("Sheet1")
     Debug.Print "Inside workbook: " & wb2.Name & ", sheet: " & wb2ws1.Name
     Set cRng = wb2ws1.Range("AA1:AA5")
     For Each cell In cRng.Cells
         Debug.Print cell.Value & strName
     wb2.Close SaveChanges:=False: Set wb2 = Nothing
     exlapp.Quit: Set exlapp = Nothing


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