OS is Ubuntu 18.04.5.
Docker version is 20.10.1.
Without changes docker works fine, but I need to change the data-root to get more space. I found two possible solutions:
- Setting a symlink to /var/lib/docker
- Creating /etc/docker/daemon.json with data-root value set (including service restart and daemon-reload)
这两种解决办法都没有奏效,也留下同样的错误。 例如,当我执政时
docker run hello-world
I get the error
"Error response from daemon: symlink /proc/mounts /mnt/docker/aufs/mnt/[...]-init/etc/mtab: function not implemented"
页: 1
docker run mysql
I get
"docker:failed to register layer: Error processing tar file(exit status 1): symlink hostname /bin/dnsdomainname: function not implemented"
UUID=<uuid> /mnt auto auto,user,rw 0 0
至今对数据储存进行罚款。 only只发生 do。