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原标题:Is there a way to increase Rate limits on Azure DevOps?

我们是以GiteBlit为前提的“Jenkins”为前提的。 罚款。 上周,我们从GiteBlit迁移到DevOps。

我们的Jenkins Jobs现在与PAT公司(不是建筑服务账户)一起经营,因为有人可以按照Jenkins的前提使用。 因此,Doutreps是一个固定用户。 我们没有找到其他办法来解决这个问题。 使用雇员就业岗位实际上不是一个好的选择。

Problem now is that we are constantly hitting the Rate Limites with following error:

Request was blocked due to exceeding usage of resource ATCPU in namespace VSID . For more information on why your request was blocked, see the topic "Rate limits" on the Microsoft Web site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=823950).



这是我们移民到Dev Ops的游戏站,因为似乎没有办法调整特定用户的费率限额。

你有建议吗? 是否有办法增加这些限制?

在屏幕上,数字和投影机的确切含义是什么? 我们有这样的想法,即它不问有多少 by子被转移,而是说是Gite 行动的数量。

我们的Jenkins Jobs主要用当地镜子进行Gite Repositories。



I don t know how and what is the implementation na architecture of your migration , but what we actually did is to optimize the code, the code will timeout itself every 20 api calls, and also we were managing something like 4 PATs (users) for the migration, the code was replacing the PAT every 100 calls or something like this.

也可以尝试与微软公司联系,并制作机票。 他们帮助我们打开了大门。

http://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/integrate/concepts/rate-limits?view=azure-devops”rel=“nofollow noreferer”

TSTUs eventually incorporate a blend of the following:

  • Azure SQL Database DTUs as a measure of database consumption
  • Application tier and job agent CPU, memory, and I/O as a measure of compute consumption
  • Azure Storage bandwidth as a measure of storage consumption.

For now, TSTUs are primarily focused on Azure SQL Database DTUs, since Azure SQL Databases are the shared resources most commonly overwhelmed by excessive consumption.

A single TSTU is the average load we expect a single normal user of Azure DevOps to generate per five minutes. Normal users also generate spikes in load. These spikes are typically 10 or fewer TSTUs per five minutes. Less frequently, spikes go as high as 100 TSTUs. The global consumption limit is 200 TSTUs within a sliding five-minute window.


正式管理可以给予例外,但现在它们只要求你购买基本+测试计划,可在贵组织环境中找到。 如果你仍然超过限额,他们将建议你优化你的法典。

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