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原标题:Dot product of 3D vectors in webassembly

The dot product in wasm must be interpreted as i32x4 being the output, and i16x8 being the input. This indeed corresponds to Intel pmaddwd or pair-wise multiply add words into double words. The intrinsic is also implementation specific, as -32768 **2 * 2 overflows int32_t.

To compute dot product of two 3-element vectors, one must just unroll it as a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1].... Allocating a full v128 for just those three values might help the JIT in optimising.

如@harold评论和@Aki提到,i32x4.dot_i16x8_ Webassembly号指令似乎与pmaddwd相对。


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Integer dot Products

i32x4.dot_i16x8_s(a: v128, b: v128) -> v128



<代码>pmaddwd的描述 是:

1. 通过源歌剧(第二次歌剧)的相应签名词,将个人签名的目的地歌剧(第一演剧)的词句多出,产生临时签名的双词结果。 随后,在目的地歌剧中总结并储存了相邻的双词结果。

And this illustration is helpful: pmaddwd

自2006年以来 我想使用3个元素的病媒,我可以把矢量输入到0s上,然后从厕所中提取资金,最后再补充。

Dot product implementation for 3D vectors

考虑到wikipedia article :

[1 3 -5] dot [4 -2 -1] = 3

我履行了一项职能,即计算这些病媒的dot Products:

  (func (export "calc_dot") (result i32)
    i32.const 1
    i32.const 3
    i32.const -5

    i32.const 4
    i32.const -2
    i32.const -1

    call $dot3

  (func $dot3 (param i32) (param i32) (param i32) (param i32) (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)
    (local v128)

    ;; create vector from first 3 params
    (i16x8.splat (i32.const 0))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 0 (local.get 0))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 1 (local.get 1))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 2 (local.get 2))

    ;; create vector from last 3 params
    (i16x8.splat (i32.const 0))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 0 (local.get 3))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 1 (local.get 4))
    (i16x8.replace_lane 2 (local.get 5))

    ;; integer dot product
    (local.set 6 (i32x4.dot_i16x8_s))

    (i32x4.extract_lane 0 (local.get 6))
    (i32x4.extract_lane 1 (local.get 6))


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