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原标题:What is the reason for the odd syntax of [[maybe_unused]] on type aliases?
  • 时间:2023-12-26 20:39:43
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • c++17

自C++17号文件以来,现在有一种标准化的方法,即从政治角度建议汇编者停止对未使用的实体进行销售。 在对变数、功能和旧的ool类别进行应用时,我们必须使用预期的yn,其形式是:

[[maybe_unused]] int x;
[[maybe_unused]] void f();
[[maybe_unused]] typedef void t;

这里没有任何奇怪之处。 然而,在将这一特性——投机者——用于制造、 en,特别是现代的类型——时,我们必须诉诸于各种 go,使其发挥作用:

struct [[maybe_unused]] s;
union [[maybe_unused]] u;
enum class [[maybe_unused]] e;
using a [[maybe_unused]] = void; // what s up with this?

The What is theêt for the odd place of the [[maybe_un used] Depende for category-aliases? 这难道不是任何其他方式吗?

https://godbolt.org/z/6jq11c91P”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>



   [[maybe_unused]] struct [[maybe_unused]] s {} s_;
//                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^
//                         applied to the type
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^------------------------------^^
// applied to the variable       
[[maybe_unused]] struct s1;     // invalid, there is no variable name
[[maybe_unused]] struct {} s2;  // valid, there is a variable name

As for the alias-declaration:
    using identifier [attribute-specifier-seq] = defining-type-id ;
no clue how to justify that.

The ability to place an attribute-specifier-seq in an alias declaration was added by the resolution to CWG1042. Unfortunately, when I looked through the CWG minutes, I couldn t find any recorded discussion about the placement of the attribute-specifier-seq. But it s pretty easy to come up with a guess as to why it goes after the identifier: to mirror the syntax of a typedef declaration:

typedef void a [[maybe_unused]];

一类声明是简单申报<>,即其结构与一个或多个变数或功能的申报相同。 www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm

int f [[deprecated]] (), x [[maybe_unused]];



Since an alias-declaration only declares one entity at a time, the hypothetical syntax

[[maybe_unused]] using a = void;

would have been reasonable too, and would have the same meaning; perhaps CWG simply did not wish to provide two ways of writing the same thing.

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