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原标题:How to increment @XmlElement name in list element in java springboot

...... 产出 我需要做到:


“R0030”每个部分将增加10个。 如你在下一份清单中可以看到,R0030C0030将增加10,=“R0040C0030”

需要帮助 ......


private String PHP;
        private String PHPUSD;
        public String getPHP() {
            return PHP;



    public class DynamicElementNameAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, String>{

     private static int counter = 30;
    public String unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return v;

    public String marshal(String v) throws Exception {
            String dynamicElementName = "R" + String.format("%04d", counter) + "C0030";
            counter += 10; // Increment by 10 for the next element
            return dynamicElementName;


but the output is wrong :




You should create a map of your element name as key and element value as value. Then, you can use XStream or any other library to convert this map to xml.

。 • 如何将XML转化为 j。 地图,反之亦然?用于更多的信息。

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