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原标题:Autosuggestion not working for importing MUI components from node modules in React JavaScript project using Vite

I m encountering an issue with autosuggestion in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) when trying to import MUI (Material-UI) components from node modules in my React JavaScript project built with Vite. The autosuggestion feature doesn t seem to work as expected, making it difficult to import the necessary components.


IDE: Visual Studio Code (VSCode) Project: React JavaScript project Build tool: Vite UI library: Material-UI (MUI)

当我试图从单元中进口MUI部件时,便会产生这一问题。 我期望VSCode建议将现有部件作为第一类,但汽车摄取的特征似乎并不吸收MUI的成分。


Restarted VSCode: I restarted my IDE to ensure that any temporary glitches were resolved, but the issue persists. Checked for VSCode extensions: I made sure that I have the necessary extensions installed for React and JavaScript development, including any MUI-related extensions, but the problem remains. Messed with jsonconfig.js/ts.


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