English 中文(简体)
原标题:voice activity detection within the browser



The algorithm I have in mind is as follows:

  1. start a recording session once the user has clicked on a button
  2. wait for the user to have said a single word (assuming he know he s supposed to say a single word)
  3. stop the recording once he said it
  4. send the samples to the server, say using HTTP
  5. process the signal on the server side
  6. send some response back to the user.

There are several solution for Voice Activity Detection in Java,C#, and other high level languages I presume. However, I wish this part would to be done on the Client side (otherwise, I ll have to send too much data from the client to the server which is highly inefficient) I.E in javascript and HTML5.

I m not an experienced web developer, so my questions are: Is this feasible? Is there a library for that (I haven t found any)? What would be the best approach in approaching the problem?


这里有一只冰 v,有浏览器支持:

https://www.npmjs.com/ Package/@ricky0123/vad

You will need to add the CDNs:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/onnxruntime-web/dist/ort.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ricky0123/vad/dist/index.browser.js"></script>
async function startVad(){
      const myvad = await vad.MicVAD.new({
        onFrameProcessed: (probabilities) => {

        onSpeechStart: () => {},
        onVADMisfire: () => {},
        onSpeechEnd: (audio) => {console.log("spoke");},


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