The algorithm I have in mind is as follows:
- start a recording session once the user has clicked on a button
- wait for the user to have said a single word (assuming he know he s supposed to say a single word)
- stop the recording once he said it
- send the samples to the server, say using HTTP
- process the signal on the server side
- send some response back to the user.
There are several solution for Voice Activity Detection in Java,C#, and other high level languages I presume. However, I wish this part would to be done on the Client side (otherwise, I ll have to send too much data from the client to the server which is highly inefficient) I.E in javascript and HTML5.
I m not an experienced web developer, so my questions are: Is this feasible? Is there a library for that (I haven t found any)? What would be the best approach in approaching the problem?