English 中文(简体)
I m 遇到MySQL错误,显示一栏缺失。 然而,在phpMyAdmin,上述一栏明显出现在数据库中[复制]。
原标题:I m encountering a MySQL error indicating a missing column. However in phpMyAdmin the mentioned column is visibly present in the database [duplicate]

我成功地在我拥有PHP4的东道环境中安装了一个老论坛文字,即VBulletin 2。 虽然我承认使用PHP4可能造成的安全关切,但我打算恢复我创建的首期论坛之一。

然而,论坛顺利运作,使我能够开展一切必要的行动。 然而,在试图进入用户小组时,我遇到了错误。

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.11:
Invalid SQL: SELECT privatemessage.*,touser.username AS tousername,fromuser.username AS fromusername,icon.title AS icontitle,icon.iconpath
FROM privatemessage,user AS touser,user AS fromuser
LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=privatemessage.iconid
WHERE privatemessage.userid= 1
AND folderid=0
AND touser.userid=privatemessage.touserid
AND fromuser.userid=privatemessage.fromuserid
AND messageread=0
ORDER BY dateline DESC

mysql error: Unknown column privatemessage.iconid in on clause mysql error number: 1054


Database error in vBulletin 2.3.11:
Invalid SQL: SELECT user.*, style.templatesetid
            FROM subscribethread,user,usergroup
                LEFT JOIN style ON (IF(user.styleid=0, 1, user.styleid)=style.styleid)
            WHERE subscribethread.threadid= 1 
            AND subscribethread.userid=user.userid
            AND usergroup.usergroupid=user.usergroupid
            AND user.userid<> 1 
            AND user.usergroupid<> 3 
            AND usergroup.canview = 1
            AND user.lastactivity> 1703928997 

mysql error: Unknown column  user.styleid  in  on clause 
mysql error number: 1054

在通过PhpMyAdmin进行视察后,我证实确实存在这几栏。 尽管得到了这一确认,我仍对问题的根源感到迷惑。 谁能提供援助或见解?

I tried to recreate the column and also changing the order but nothing happened.


你将style式JOIN和JOIN明确结合起来。 混合式JOIN不太优先,然后是JOIN。 页: 1

FROM subscribethread,user,usergroup
LEFT JOIN style ON (IF(user.styleid=0, 1, user.styleid)=style.styleid)


FROM subscribethread,user,
LEFT JOIN style ON (IF(user.styleid=0, 1, user.styleid)=style.styleid)


The most simple fix - replace a comma with CROSS JOIN:

FROM subscribethread
CROSS JOIN usergroup
LEFT JOIN style ON (IF(user.styleid=0, 1, user.styleid)=style.styleid)

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