从你展示的样本示范中,我记得。 在此情况下,我认为你的目标可以通过<条码>上任选编代码>来实现。 样本说明如下。
请抄送谷歌校面编辑的以下文字。 此外,除文字外。 而且,就如实,请重新开放校对。
function onSelectionChange(e) {
const range = e.range;
const sheet = range.getSheet();
const maxRows = sheet.getMaxRows();
const maxColumns = sheet.getMaxColumns();
sheet.getRange(1, 1, maxRows, maxColumns).setBackground(null);
sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), 1, 1, maxColumns).setBackground("#e6b8af");
sheet.getRange(1, range.getColumn(), maxRows, 1).setBackground("#c9daf8");
I d like (g)Vim to draw a pipe symbol | on each 4th space of indentation to show something like vertical indentation line. I found this plugin: http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=...
I was wondering if anybody knows how to select using js the complete table, so that the user can right-click on the selection, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it on Excel. If you select the ...
I would like to use jquery highlight effect to highlight a paragraph with background orange, then when completed, turn on orange background permanently. In this code the second task does not work. ...
What I would like to do is, if my detailed view gets called I would like to highlight just a part of the text of the UITextView element. Let s say the text within the UITextView is: blatextbla. Then ...
Is it possible to highlight text in an HTML document using without wrapping it with <span> or any other tag for that matter? For example, in the HTML code <p>The quick fox</p> I ...
I have now used way too long time, trying to figure out a problem, which I didn t think would be that hard. Here is the deal: I am writing a small application using C# and WPF. I have a RichTextBox ...
I am trying to use the jquery ui "highlight" effect on an input html element with a background image set in the CSS (A search bar with a magnifying glass). During the "highlight" animation, however, ...