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如何处置/适用。 开放式消费物价指数在泽西岛的光谱中的变化
原标题:How to disable /application.wadl in OpenAPI spec with Jersey

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    - com.myapp.appName.controller

The spring doc doesn t support jersey/JAX-RS out of box. You will need to control the swagger.json generation logic in Jersey resource configuration.

OpenApiResource openApiResource = new OpenApiResource();
// change package name
// you can do a lot of configuration here
// https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/Swagger-2.X---Integration-and-Configuration#configuration-properties

Multiple return type in Jersey Client request

I m using Jersey Client API in the following way :- User user = webRsrc.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).post(User.class, usr); So I m expecting the response in object of User class which is a JAXB ...

JAX/Jersey Custom error code in Response

In Jersey, how can we replace the status string associated with a known status code? e.g. return Response.status(401).build(); generates a HTTP response that contains: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized ...

Java Async REST web service using Jersey?

I need to implement a Java REST Web Service (we use Jersey framework) which can basically either a. block waiting for some event (or poll for the event), before returning the response b. provide some ...

Jersey implementing ContextResolver<JAXBContext> in Spring

So I am writing a Spring(2.5( + Jersey( and trying to create a JSONConfiguration using a ContextResolver. Here is the code: package com.rhigdon.jersey.config; import com.sun.jersey.api.json....

JAX-RS get entity as JAXB object and as String

I have a JAX-RS web service (using jersey) that accepts a JAXB object as the request entity. When we get an error, we want to log the original xml string that was sent to us. Currently, I am just re-...

jersey Viewable and c:import tag lib

Giver a resource class that has a method witch returns a Viewable (or generaly any jsp page). Is there a way to use the c:import or jsp:include taglib to include a Viewable response from a jaxrs ...
