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原标题:Highlight code in HTML using <font color="#xxx">


<font color="#1773cc">#include </font><font color="#4a6f8b">&lt;NTL/ZZ.h&gt;</font><br>
<font color="#b02f60"><b>using</b></font>&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>namespace</b></font>&nbsp;std;<br>
<font color="#b02f60"><b>using</b></font>&nbsp;<font color="#008b00"><b>namespace</b></font>&nbsp;NTL;<br>
<font color="#008b00"><b>int</b></font>&nbsp;main()<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; ZZ a, b, c; <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; cin &gt;&gt; a; <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; cin &gt;&gt; b; <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; c = (a+<font color="#ff8b00">1</font>)*(b+<font color="#ff8b00">1</font>);<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; cout &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; <font color="#4a6f8b">&quot;</font><font color="#8a2ae2">
</font><font color="#4a6f8b">&quot;</font>;<br>

载于https://libntl.org/doc/tour-ex1.html> rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。

Just using <font color="#xxxxxx">xxx<font> to highlight code.
Is there a tool to implement this, or I have to write it by hand?

我曾尝试过一些工具,例如、Typora ,Vim,但不是我想要的。




您可以执行自己的辛比特,或使用已经存在的东西。 仅是CSS的一个显要器:。 https://www.csscript.com/css- only-syntax-highlighter/

A preview from CSS:

enter image description here

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