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原标题:Is there a way to allow the user to access the titlebar when in fullscreen mode of a WinUI app?

我的申请(NET MAUI)在UWP中使用了完全筛选功能,自WinUI AP改变以来,我已经翻了。

这种方法的问题在于它掩盖了窗户的所有权障碍(它有背顿、近海等)。 关于UWP,在屏幕顶部附近进行 h,仍然可以进入这一称号。 WinUI能否让用户使用类似于UWP的完全筛选方式,以便他们能够回头,关闭镜头,有完全的屏幕等?


        var appWindow = GetAppWindow();

        if (appWindow == null)

        // set the Windows preference and immediately switch fullscreen mode
        if (fullscreen)

您可尝试使用<代码>OverlappedPresenter,以尽量扩大屏幕和显示所有权条码。 下面是MauiProgram.cs的一条线。

        builder.ConfigureLifecycleEvents(events =>
            events.AddWindows(windows =>
                windows.OnWindowCreated(window =>
                    IntPtr windowHandle = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(window);
                    WindowId windowId = Win32Interop.GetWindowIdFromWindow(windowHandle);
                    var appWindow = AppWindow.GetFromWindowId(windowId);
                    //Use presenter to determine the look and feel of the window.                  
                    switch (appWindow.Presenter)
                        case OverlappedPresenter overlappedPresenter:
                            overlappedPresenter.SetBorderAndTitleBar(true, true);

That AppWindow has a Presenter, right now through .NET MAUI, we always set that presenter to the OverlappedPresenter. That is why there is only one option in the switch statement. This presenter determines the look and feel of the window.


A. 更新

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