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采用有远见的方法 Random Py Torch的Sampler
原标题:Using WeightedRandomSampler in PyTorch

我需要在Py Torch实施多功能图像分类模式。 然而,我的数据并不平衡,因此我使用了Py Torch的WelsedRandomSampler,以创建一种海关数据载荷。 但是,当我通过海关数据载荷检索时,我发现错误:IndexError: list index out of range


def make_weights_for_balanced_classes(images, nclasses):                        
    count = [0] * nclasses                                                      
    for item in images:                                                         
        count[item[1]] += 1                                                     
    weight_per_class = [0.] * nclasses                                      
    N = float(sum(count))                                                   
    for i in range(nclasses):                                                   
        weight_per_class[i] = N/float(count[i])                                 
    weight = [0] * len(images)                                              
    for idx, val in enumerate(images):                                          
        weight[idx] = weight_per_class[val[1]]                                  
    return weight 
weights = make_weights_for_balanced_classes(train_dataset.imgs, len(full_dataset.classes))
weights = torch.DoubleTensor(weights)
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(weights, len(weights))

train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=4,sampler = sampler, pin_memory=True)   

根据https://stackoverflow.com/a/60813495/10077354的答复,以下是我的增订代码。 但当时我也创建了一个数据载体:loader = 数据检索(完整l_dataset,batch_size=4, 取样器=sampler),len(loader)

class_counts = [1691, 743, 2278, 1271]
num_samples = np.sum(class_counts)
labels = [tag for _,tag in full_dataset.imgs] 

class_weights = [num_samples/class_counts[i] for i in range(len(class_counts)]
weights = [class_weights[labels[i]] for i in range(num_samples)]
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(torch.DoubleTensor(weights), num_samples)



def sampler_(dataset):
    dataset_counts = imageCount(dataset)
    num_samples = sum(dataset_counts)
    labels = [tag for _,tag in dataset]

    class_weights = [num_samples/dataset_counts[i] for i in range(n_classes)]
    weights = [class_weights[labels[i]] for i in range(num_samples)]
    sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(torch.DoubleTensor(weights), int(num_samples))
    return sampler

图像分析功能在数据集中发现每类图像的数量。 数据集中的每一行都包含图像和类别,因此我们考虑图中的第二个要素。

def imageCount(dataset):
    image_count = [0]*(n_classes)
    for img in dataset:
        image_count[img[1]] += 1
    return image_count

该法典看上去是复杂的......。 你可以尝试如下:

#Let there be 9 samples and 1 sample in class 0 and 1 respectively
class_counts = [9.0, 1.0]
num_samples = sum(class_counts)
labels = [0, 0,..., 0, 1] #corresponding labels of samples

class_weights = [num_samples/class_counts[i] for i in range(len(class_counts))]
weights = [class_weights[labels[i]] for i in range(int(num_samples))]
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(torch.DoubleTensor(weights), int(num_samples))


请允许我说,你有10 000个样本,有10个。 你们要使用Weighted RandomSampler。 发给WeightedRandomSampler的<代码>重量/代码>是这10 000个样本中的每一个样本的重量,而不是这些类别。 因此,您必须计算这些样本的重量。

这里是这样做的一种方式。 用于一个热点编码标签:

# Assuming you already have created your train_dataset object which has all the labels stored.

def calc_sample_weights(labels, class_weights):
    return sum(labels * class_weights)

# Specify class weights. You can use any of the methods in the other answers to calculate class_weights.
class_weights = np.array([...])

# Create sample weights, i.e. weights for each of the 10000 samples.
sample_weights = [calc_sample_weights(label, class_weights) 
                                      for label in train_dataset.labels)]

# Create WeightedRandomSampler.
weighted_sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(sample_weights, len(train_dataset))

# Create Batch Sampler for retrieving batches of samples
batch_size = 32
batch_sampler = BatchSampler(weighted_sampler, batch_size, drop_last=False)

# Create train dataloader
train_loader = Dataloader(train_dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler)

在上述法典中,我们按要素计算抽样权重——乘以每一样本的类别——加权。 因此,如果类别权重为[1.0、0.5、0],而样本的标签为“1、0、1”的“一个照相”,那么该样本的总权重为1.0。 你可以用标签做类似的事情,这些标签不是单相加的,其方式是将类别——重量与样本的类别——标签指数挂钩,然后加权重。

通知,我们还设立了一名巴奇沙普勒。 这是因为,如果你重新取样,你就不直接使用权重。 相反,你应该使用BatchSampler。

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