English 中文(简体)
• 如何在RactiveJS的每一组点点点点击事件上打一个字塔子,以示理由为功能?
原标题:How to call a function with arguments for a button on click event in each block RactiveJS?

I m 采用RactiveJS 1.4.1 和p.net mvc 核心raz页。

我在网页上将“html”放在了一个文字上。 并要求RactiveJS这样做。 “ToCard”方法没有使用。 我试图在数据栏下增加ToCard功能,而不是发挥作用。 我也试图将ToCard的职能称为“活跃的......”(添加“ToCart......”)。 它也没有工作。


    ViewData["Title"] = "Ractive Examples - ForEach";

<div class="card-body">

    <script id="testTemplate" type="text/html">
        <h1>Let s shop!</h1>
            {{#each items: i}}
                <p>{{i+1}}: {{description}}</p>
                <label><input value= {{qty}} > Quantity</label>
                <!-- when the user clicks this button, add {{qty}} of this item -->
                <button on-click="addToCart:{{this}},{{qty}}" type="button">Add to cart</button>

    <div id="container"></div>


@section Scripts
        // Predefined data, items to be added to cart.
        const items_data = [
            { description: "Asset 1", qty: 1 },
            { description: "Asset 2", qty: 21 },
            { description: "Asset 3", qty: 35 },
            { description: "Asset 4", qty: 0 },
            { description: "Asset 5", qty: 5 }
        const ractive = new Ractive({
            el:  #container ,
            template: "#testTemplate",
            data: {
                items: items_data
            on: {
                addToCart: function ( event, item, qty ) {
                    // Do something with the item and qty
                    console.log( item );
                    console.log( qty );


我直接引用RactiveJS文件; 但是,这并不奏效(但并未显示任何情况)。

    ViewData["Title"] = "Ractive Examples - ForEach";

<div class="card-body">

    <script id="testTemplate" type="text/html">
        <h1>Let s shop!</h1>
            {{#each items: i}}
                <p>{{i+1}}: {{description}}</p>
                <label><input value= {{qty}} > Quantity</label>
                <!-- when the user clicks this button, add {{qty}} of this item -->
                <button on-click= addToCart:{{this}},{{qty}} >Add to cart</button>            

    <div id="container"></div>


@section Scripts
        // Predefined data, items to be added to cart.
        const items_data = [
            { description: "Asset 1", qty: 1 },
            { description: "Asset 2", qty: 21 },
            { description: "Asset 3", qty: 35 },
            { description: "Asset 4", qty: 0 },
            { description: "Asset 5", qty: 5 }
        const ractive = new Ractive({
            el:  #container ,
            template: "#testTemplate",
            data: {
                items: items_data
        ractive.on(  addToCart , function ( event, item, qty ) {
          console.log(  Adding   + qty +   of   + item.description +   to cart );


What am I missing?

Update: I can use data- attribute, i know but I m searching for better way to do it.*

const ractive = Ractive({
          el:  #container ,
          template: `
            {{#each items: i}}
                <p>{{i+1}}: {{description}}</p>
                <label><input value= {{qty}} > Quantity</label>
                <button type="button" data-id="{{i}}" on-click="addToCart">Push me!</button>       
            data: {
                items: items_data
            on: {
              addToCart (event) {
                  const id = event.node.getAttribute( data-id );
                  console.log("Item of the id is: " + id);

I dont know asp.net so I haven t tested it but you could do this:

    ViewData["Title"] = "Ractive Examples - ForEach";

<div class="card-body">

    <script id="testTemplate" type="text/html">
        <h1>Let s shop!</h1>
            {{#each items: i}}
                <p>{{i+1}}: {{.description}}</p>
                <label><input value= {{.qty}} > Quantity</label>
                <!-- when the user clicks this button, add {{qty}} of this item -->
                <button on-click="@this.addToCart({{this}},{{.qty}})" type="button">Add to cart</button>

    <div id="container"></div>


@section Scripts
        // Predefined data, items to be added to cart.
        const items_data = [
            { description: "Asset 1", qty: 1 },
            { description: "Asset 2", qty: 21 },
            { description: "Asset 3", qty: 35 },
            { description: "Asset 4", qty: 0 },
            { description: "Asset 5", qty: 5 }
        const ractive = new Ractive({
            el:  #container ,
            template: "#testTemplate",
            data: {
                items: items_data
            addToCart: function ( item, qty ) {
                    // Do something with the item and qty
                    console.log( item );
                    console.log( qty );


tip: as you see you need the dot before the key to access the key in the {{#each array}} item that is an object. e.g.: (.qty) (.description)

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