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原标题:Main menu toolbar missing in PyCharm






  • press Shift twice (equivalent to Navigate > Search Everywhere).
  • type main menu (or just ma me).
  • select View | Appearance: Main Menu.


  1. Click on the search icon in the top right-hand corner
  2. In the search bar, type the word menu
  3. You should see this result come up: View | Appearance: Main Menu
  4. Then just click the toggle to change it from "Off" to "On"



In Linux - the file location is - Home directory after that .config/JetBrains/Idea_<<version>>/options. For example I am using Ubutu where I can find the location like -

$ sudo find /home/ -name "ui.lnf.xml"

Under the ui.lnf.xml there will be an entry if main menu is off:

  <component name="UISettings">        
    <option name="SHOW_MAIN_MENU" value="false" />


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