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客户 Ios Building issue?
原标题:Expo Development client Ios build issue?

Invariant Violation: requiresNativeComponent: “RNDatetimePicker” is not found in the UIManager.


  "react-native-modal-datetime-picker": "^17.0.0",


 "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "7.2.0",





  1. Delete node_modules and then run npm install or yarn depending on which you are using.
  2. Delete build cache by running npm start or yarn start followed by -- --reset-cache
  3. Make sure you are using a compatible/stable RN version. Versions beyond 0.60.0 use autolinking for Native Modules. If you have an older version you may need to link them manually before running your app.
  4. Also make sure to go into your iOS directory and run pod install. If you haven t done this your app will likely not build or run on iOS.
> cd ios
> pod install
> cd ..
> npm start

理想的情况是,I d建议如果低于<条码>0.60.0<>/条码>,则更新国家数据。 如果你仅仅因为这是一个相当老的版本,>0.60.0<>/code>含有一个健康的更新/固定内容,使你的生活更加方便。

当时我与这一问题进行了战斗。 但我定下了以下步骤。 注

React Native version: 0.72.6 Expo version: 49.0.15 dateTimePicker version: 7.2.0

  1. npx expo install @react-native-community/datetimepicker
  2. cd ios
  3. npx pod-install


import DateTimePicker from "@react-native-community/datetimepicker";


<DateTimePicker mode="date" value={date} />


const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date());


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