English 中文(简体)
原标题:To show php variable in pdf file generated using fpdf

我想在pdf文档中显示这一变数。 但它造成错误: Pdf 档案不以%开始

A.php it contains my form . By using post i am sending values to other 印本 Where 印本 generates a pdf file with a specific format .


 <form class="mid" action="印本" method="post"> 
 <input type="hidden" id="cname" name="cname" value="<?php echo $c_n[0]; ?>"/>
  <input type="submit" id="but" value="Print Challan"/>     



  $c_n = $_POST[ cname ];

  require( fpdf.php );
 class PDF extends FPDF

     function Header()
       $this->Image( image.jpg ,5,5,200);

     //Page footer
     function Footer()
       $this->SetFont( Arial , I ,8);
       $this->Image( image1.jpeg ,5,275,200);
       $this->SetXY(5, 284);
       $this->Cell(0,5, This is a system generated  ,0,2, C );
       $this->Cell(0,5, Page  .$this->PageNo(). /{nb} ,0,0, C );

         //Instanciation of inherited class

       $pdf=new PDF();
       $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,15);
       $pdf->Cell(190,10, Challan , 0,0, C );
       $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,12);
       $pdf->Cell(150,18, Name :- , 1,0, L );

       $pdf->Cell(15,0, $c_n , 0,0, L );

       $pdf->Cell(50,9, Challan No. :- , 1,2, L );
       $pdf->Cell(50,9, Date :- , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(15,15, Sno , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->Cell(35,15, Type , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->Cell(45,15, Make , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->Cell(45,15, Model , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->Cell(45,15, Serial No. , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->Cell(15,15, Qty , 1,0, C );
       $pdf->SetFont( Times ,  ,12);
       $pdf->Cell(15,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(35,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(45,165,, 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(170,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->Cell(15,165,  , 1,0, L );
       $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,12);
       $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Name :-  , 0,0, L );
        $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Signature :-  , 0,0, L );

原文: 档案从%开始


I recommend avoid hidden input fields to parse variables. Better use the url itself when calling to action: action="printpdf.php?cname=XXXX". If the variable can be spoiled by the user, do one of three things: i)store the variable in server session: $_SESSION[ cname ]=XXXX; where it can t hardly be manipulated; ii)encode, hash or encrypt the url string; iii) sanitize the variable when recovering in the printpdf.php file. Hidden fields are easy to manipulate and are a primitive way of parsing data.


 require( fpdf.php );
 class PDF extends FPDF

 function Header()
   $this->Image( image.jpg ,5,5,200);

 //Page footer
 function Footer()
   $this->SetFont( Arial , I ,8);
   $this->Image( image1.jpeg ,5,275,200);
   $this->SetXY(5, 284);
   $this->Cell(0,5, This is a system generated  ,0,2, C );
   $this->Cell(0,5, Page  .$this->PageNo(). /{nb} ,0,0, C );

     //Instanciation of inherited class

   if(isset($_POST[ cname ]))
   {$c_n = $_POST[ cname ];

   $pdf=new PDF();
   $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,15);
   $pdf->Cell(190,10, Challan , 0,0, C );
   $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,12);
   $pdf->Cell(150,18, Name :- .$c_n, 1,0, L );

   $pdf->Cell(15,0,$c_n, 0,0, L );

   $pdf->Cell(50,9, Challan No. :- , 1,2, L );
   $pdf->Cell(50,9, Date :- , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(15,15, Sno , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->Cell(35,15, Type , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->Cell(45,15, Make , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->Cell(45,15, Model , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->Cell(45,15, Serial No. , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->Cell(15,15, Qty , 1,0, C );
   $pdf->SetFont( Times ,  ,12);
   $pdf->Cell(15,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(35,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,, 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(170,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(15,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,12);
   $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Name :-  , 0,0, L );
    $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Signature :-  , 0,0, L );






      $pdf->Cell(35,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,  , 1,0, L );//*
   $pdf->Cell(45,165,, 1,0, L ); <<<<<<<<<<-----------------
   $pdf->Cell(170,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->Cell(15,165,  , 1,0, L );
   $pdf->SetFont( Times , B ,12);
   $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Name :-  , 0,0, L );
    $pdf->Cell(35,20, Reciever Signature :-  , 0,0, L );

改为$pdf->Cell(45,165, 1,0 L );


 $str =  ../fpdf/fpdf.php ;


because there is where my code is an in images i.e. $this->Image($_SESSION[ raiz ]. imagens/mmp.png ,5,5,200); if you have your fpdf library and images in the same folder then all is right. by the way. i test the code correct error and it runs well

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