English 中文(简体)
原标题:DateTimeFormatter gets confusing results for LocalDateTime.withYear(0)?

Java version: 1.8.0_202
see code below:

DateTimeFormatter yy = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yy");
DateTimeFormatter yyy = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
                .appendValueReduced(ChronoField.YEAR, 3, 3, 0)
DateTimeFormatter yyyy = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy");

LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
// set year is 0
LocalDateTime year0 = now.withYear(0);
System.out.println("year0: " + year0);                             // year0: 0000-01-10T09:53:03.551
System.out.println("year0.getYear(): 	" + year0.getYear());       // year0.getYear():    0
System.out.println("year0.format(yyyy): " + year0.format(yyyy));   // year0.format(yyyy): 0001
System.out.println("year0.format(yyy): 	" + year0.format(yyy));   // year0.format(yyy):  000
System.out.println("year0.format(yy): 	" + year0.format(yy));     // year0.format(yy):   01
// set year is 1
LocalDateTime year1 = now.withYear(1);
System.out.println("year1: " + year1);                             // year1: 0001-01-10T09:53:03.551
System.out.println("year1.getYear(): 	" + year1.getYear());       // year1.getYear():     1
System.out.println("year1.format(yyyy): " + year1.format(yyyy));   // year1.format(yyyy):  0001
System.out.println("year1.format(yyy): 	" + year1.format(yyy));   // year1.format(yyy):   001
System.out.println("year1.format(yy): 	" + year1.format(yy));     // year1.format(yy):    01

为什么year0.format(yyyyy)year0.format(yyy)0001或01,但year0.format(yyyyyy) 返回权000? 如何确定?


为什么“yyy”给你造成不一致的结果,但。 The docs for AnnualFormatter states that y is for “year of life”, means shall never given 0 because no life (AD or BC) had a year 0. 根据这些缩略语,如果你想要没有时代就展示这一年的话,请重新寻找<代码>u而不是y

如果你想随同年显示这个时代的话,那么这个时代的编号为/code>。 i.e.yyyyyyyyy GG

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