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原标题:Is it possible to know the command executed by a Visual Studio Code task?

我正在 Java使用VS法典,利用贾瓦推广包进行节目。 我可以开始用“Rebuild All”纽顿建造我的项目,或用“Export Jar. ......”制作一个jar。


 *  Executing task: java (buildArtifact): default


I tried looking inside VS Code task configuration "tasks.json" but didn t find much.


jar cf jar-file content-file(s)

should do the trick. The input files are space sperated.

You can click on the OUTPUT panel and select Language Support for Java to see the log of the execution of the Java extension after you clicked on Export Jar..., there may be information in there about the command you are looking for.

enter image description here

你们也只能学习如何人工生成jar档案,here a related document , 您可读(Heading 3<>>。 你还可以寻找更多的信息。

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