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原标题:SwiftUI Picker: The padding of content in Picker does not work

是否在采集器中有任何“pa”内容? 例如文本(......)。

Picker(selection: $picked) {
    ForEach(0...10, id: .self) { num in
            .font(.system(size: 30))
            .foregroundColor(pickedMinute == "(num)" ? .blue : .black)
            .padding(20) //  ***It does not work***
} label: {

does work is the .font modifier. 并且还有<代码>。 结合使用,你可以有更大的体,有更大的间隔:

Picker(selection: $picked) {
    ForEach(0...10, id: .self) { num in
            .font(.system(size: 15))
            .foregroundColor(pickedMinute == "(num)" ? .blue : .black)
} label: {



Picker in SwiftUI does not support padding, you can create a custom Picker with padding like the following:

ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
    HStack {
        ForEach(numbers, id: .self) { number in
                .font(.system(size: 30))
                .foregroundColor(self.pickedNumber == number ? .blue : .black)
                .onTapGesture {
                    self.pickedNumber = number

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