English 中文(简体)
• 如何将囚室与LaTeX的多行合并?
原标题:How to merge cells with multirow in LaTeX?
  • 时间:2016-07-26 14:34:37
  •  标签:
  • latex



egin{tabular}{ | l | l | l | l | l | l | l | }
    multirow{2}{*}{Oprava} & multirow{2}{*}{zkratka} & multirow{2}{*}{alg.} & chybovost \% &  &  &  \ hline
     &  &  & MAE & RSE & RMSE & RRSE \ hline
    velikosti & vel. & NBM &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
    bilateralne & bilat. & NBM &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
    oprava & zkratka & NBM &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
    oprava & zkratka & NBM &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ hline
     &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline

caption{Multi-row table}

And what I get is this: LaTeX output

我需要合并这些囚室,以便案文不会被删除。 重复计算法名称——NBM、kNN等——的行文相同。 Pls帮助。

增 编


解决你的问题非常简单。 您应使用<代码>cline{4-7}而不是hline。 姓名:hline在表格完整宽度上规定一个横向线,而cline{4-7}则仅从第4栏到第7栏之间划出一个横向线,从而不跨越第1栏。

为了将案文放在重整和合并的重复词前面,你可以使用<代码>多功能{},再与<代码>cline{}结合使用。 https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Tables“rel=“noretinger”>。


caption{My caption}
multirow{2}{*}{Oprave} & multirow{2}{*}{Zkratka} & multirow{2}{*}{Alg.} & multicolumn{4}{l|}{Chybovost \%} \ cline{4-7} 
  &  &  & MAE & RSE & RMSE & RRSE \ hline
multirow{4}{*}{velikosti} & multirow{4}{*}{vel.} & NBM &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
multirow{4}{*}{bilateralne} & multirow{4}{*}{bilat.} & NBM &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
multirow{4}{*}{oprava} & multirow{4}{*}{zkratka} & NBM &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline
multirow{4}{*}{oprava} & multirow{4}{*}{zkratka} & NBM &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & c4.5 &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & kNN &  &  &  &  \ cline{3-7} 
 &  & SMO &  &  &  &  \ hline



Note: if you have struggles with table generation, or you want a more quick way to easily make tables as you would do in Excel, you can use an online table generator for Latex. I often use http://www.tablesgenerator.com/


I m sorry I m posting this as answer but this is new account so I can t comment. I wanted to ask what package do you use that adds multirow command because for my LaTeX it s an unknown command

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