English 中文(简体)
django-waffle在Waffle_status endpoint上没有显示适当的国旗地位。
原标题:django-waffle does not show proper flag status on waffle_status endpoint
  • 时间:2023-12-21 16:27:16
  •  标签:
  • django



I m 试图利用waffle_status终端点获得国旗地位,但不管用户是否持平,我还是得到同样的答复:

    "flags": {
        "test_flag": {
            "is_active": false,
            "last_modified": "2023-12-21T16:03:38.922Z"
    "switches": {},
    "samples": {}


我利用4,django-waffle 4.1.0做了这项工作,我已就环境问题举行过这次集会。 y

     django.contrib.admin ,
     rest_framework ,
     rest_framework.authtoken ,
     django.contrib.auth ,
     waffle ,
     django.contrib.contenttypes ,
     django.contrib.sessions ,
     django.contrib.messages ,
     django.contrib.staticfiles ,

     django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware ,
     django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware ,
     django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware ,
     django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware ,
     django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware ,
     waffle.middleware.WaffleMiddleware ,
     django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware ,
     django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware ,
         rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated ,

以及项目设计。 file

urlpatterns = [
    path( admin/ , admin.site.urls),
    path( api/v1/token/ , TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name= token_obtain_pair ),
    path( api/v1/token/refresh/ , TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name= token_refresh ),
         api/v1/ , include(
                path(  , include(example_urls))
    path( waffle/ , include( waffle.urls )),

这是否是一种 b/mis塞的特征? 或者说,在某个地方,我没有听说过什么?

P.S. 这样做的目的是,我必须向前线飞行员提供这一旗帜,以展示或隐藏某些视国旗身份而定的直观部件。

我曾尝试将集延戈行政及环境。 False

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我确实 clo了“django-waffle”项目的背书,我写道:

 def test_waffle_json_user_flag(self):
        user = get_user_model().objects.create(username= someone_else )
        flag = waffle.get_waffle_flag_model().objects.create(name= myflag )
        response = self.client.get(reverse( waffle_status ))
        content = response.json()
        self.assertTrue(content[ flags ][ myflag ][ is_active ])

        another_user = get_user_model().objects.create(username= another_one )
        another_response = self.client.get(reverse( waffle_status ))
        another_content = another_response.json()
        self.assertFalse(another_content[ flags ][ myflag ][ is_active ])


然后,我拥有该项目上的django服务器,我确实树立了旗帜,对用户具有约束力。 我确实使用邮政员进行测试,我的问题与上文所述相同。

在<代码>waffle_status上作一些辩论 关于Waffle-django一揽子计划的意见,我认为,所提出的申请没有用户,我指的是,如果我把申请打入<代码>request.user。 i see AnonymousUser so, what Im Disappearance here?


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 简短回答:你再次缺失 DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES,我不知道你如何使用象征性的处理方法,但我要说,有人正在使用会议认证,这样就能够做到:




You re almost there! Generally speaking there are two aspects to take into account when handling users:

  • Authentication: verify if the user is who the user claims to be, so you can log the user in safely and give him a token/session
  • Authorization: specifying access/rights that the user has

此时,你只重新核对授权部分的编号为DEFAULT_PERmission_CLASSES,但你没有重新界定任何授权类别,因此DRF赢得了用户的笔记(因此用户将永远是。 在某些情况下,例如,公共终点一般不需要用户数据,因此,验证其开会/编码格不入只是间接费用。

我刚刚碰到这一点。 这是因为DRF公司在中层设备中进行认证。 http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication/#:%7E:text=Authentication%20always%20runs%20at%20the,contrib.auth%20包装%27s%20User%20class” rel=“nofollow noreferer” docs :

Authentication always runs at the very start of the view, before the permission and throttling checks occur, and before any other code is allowed to proceed.

为了解决这一问题,您需要填写waffle_json。 一种看法是(或如果你更喜欢的话,你可以做中值工作),即对用户进行选择性认证,然后根据修改后的要求,将<代码>waffle_json查询。


from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
from knox.auth import TokenAuthentication
from waffle.views import waffle_json

class WaffleFeatureFlagsView(APIView):
    authentication_classes = []
    permission_classes = []

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Returns the list of feature flags and their values."""

        token = request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")

        if token:
            token = token.split("Token ")[1].encode("utf-8")
            auth = TokenAuthentication()

                # I am using knox for token auth, but you can 
                # replace this part with the DRF token auth instead
                user, token = auth.authenticate_credentials(token)
            except AuthenticationFailed:
                raise PermissionDenied

            request.user = user

        return waffle_json(request)


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