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将JTable s DefaultTableCellRenderer合并为JTable的所有囚室
原标题:Overriding JTable s DefaultTableCellRenderer to center all the cells in a JTable

I ve got a problem I can t get rid of.


因此,I ve got a JTable using an 摘要TableModel, which overes the

    public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex_p) 

说明每个栏目的类型的方法。 其中一人为蓝.。


    table_l = new JTable(new MyTableModel());



So I define a new DefaultTableCellRenderer for each column, like this :

    DefaultTableCellRenderer cellRenderer_l = new DefaultTableCellRenderer() {
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
          // delegate the rendering part to the default renderer (am i right ???)
          Component comp = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
          return comp;

and then I just set the horizontal alignment of this CellRender with :



    for (int i = 0; i < table_l.getColumnCount(); ++i) {

But, with the new CellRenderer, the displayed JTable isn t using the getColumnClass() method of my TableModel anymore, and thus just display "true/false" String on Boolean values.


If someone has the answer... Thank you

EDIT: thanks for all the clarifications you made. In fact, my real question was : "how to affect all DefaultRenderer of a JTable to make them center their result in the JTable s cells"


对于所有提供部件(如果你希望的话 /em>的话,需要谨慎处理的话,它可能会有可使用的惩罚!) 您可以推翻准备的黄麻制品 招标方法:

public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
    Component comp = super.prepareRenderer(...);
    if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
        ((JLabel) comp).setHorizontalAlignment(...);
    return comp;

BTW:这一办法违反了以下规则:not子级联合数据集,以满足申请需要。 您可考虑使用SwingX,正式支持直观分解部件。 因此,你将不作次分类,而是在表格中登记一位主要人物:

JXTable table = ...
table.addHighlighter(new AlignmentHighlighter(CENTER), HighlightPredicate.ALWAYS);   

renderer here所示,已经对类别数值作了调整。 如果这还不够,请问你列入一个,表明你遇到任何问题。

Addendum: If you need to further customize a DefaultTableCellRenderer, specify the renderer for the applicable type using setDefaultRenderer(), as shown here.

table.setDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class, yourCellRenderer); 


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