English 中文(简体)
在WooCommerce Myaccount科增加一个有习俗联系的习俗菜单
原标题:Add a Custom menu item with a custom link in WooCommerce My Account Section

我正成功地在WooCommerce My账户科添加新习惯。 但是,我无法改变菜单项目链接,而是与我的URL账户挂钩。

I want to remove the http://site-test.local/my-account
from this absolute link "http://site-test.local/my-account/https:/mycustomwebsite.com/"

我只想看到“https:/mycustomwebsite.com/”在我点击“NEW CUSTOM TAB”的菜单。

我在我的主题职能中加入了这一法典。 php file:

function custom_add_my_account_menu_item($items) {
    // Add a new menu item with the key  custom_option 
    $items[ https://mycustomwebsite.com ] = __( NEW CUSTOM TAB ,  your-text-domain );

    $cleanLink = str_replace( http://site-test.local/my-account ,   , $items); //I m trying to remove the site-test.local/my-account, but it doesn t work
    $items = $cleanLink;
    return $items;

add_filter( woocommerce_account_menu_items ,  custom_add_my_account_menu_item );

// Display content for the custom option in the My Account section
function custom_my_account_endpoint_content() {
    echo  <p>This is the content for the custom option.</p> ;

add_action( woocommerce_account_custom_option_endpoint ,  custom_my_account_endpoint_content );   




// Add a custom menu item
add_filter( woocommerce_account_menu_items ,  add_my_account_custom_menu_item );
function add_my_account_custom_menu_item( $menu_items ) {
    $menu_item_key =  custom_link ;
    $menu_items[$menu_item_key] = __( Custom Link ,  woocommerce );

    return $menu_items;
// Replace the custom menu item Link
add_action( template_redirect ,  change_my_account_custom_menu_item_link , 10);
function change_my_account_custom_menu_item_link() {
    if ( is_user_logged_in() && is_account_page() ) {
        $menu_item_key =  custom_link ; // HERE set the custom menu item key you are using
        $custom_link   = esc_url( https://mycustomwebsite.com/ ); // HERE set your custom link
        // jQuery code
        wc_enqueue_js("$( li.woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation-link--{$menu_item_key} a ).attr( href , {$custom_link} );");

《刑法》生效。 网址是你的孩子主题(或gin)。 测试和工程。


// Replace the custom menu item Link
add_action( template_redirect ,  change_my_account_custom_menu_item_link , 10);
function change_my_account_custom_menu_item_link() {
    if ( is_user_logged_in() && is_account_page() ) {
        $menu_item_key =  custom_link ; // HERE set the custom menu item key you are using
        $custom_link   = esc_url( https://mycustomwebsite.com/ ); // HERE set your custom link
        // jQuery code
        wc_enqueue_js("$( li.woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation-link--{$menu_item_key} a ).attr( href , {$custom_link} ).attr( target , _blank );");


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