English 中文(简体)
原标题:What is the most efficient way of extracting these integers from a string using SQL?


STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 140 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 170 LG C/W 1 NUT)
STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (2 X M20 X 80 LG C/W 1 NUT, 6 X M20 X 90 LG C/W 1 NUT)
STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 130 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 150 LG C/W 1 NUT)
STUD BOLT SET, ASME B1.1, ASTM A193 B7, ASME B1.1, ASTM A194 GR 2H, GALVANISED (28 x 1 3/4" UN8 x 270 LG C/W 1 NUT)

请注意,说明中提到了两个字句长度(例如,第一个记录有“140 LG”和“170 LG”),但我只需要第二段,即“170”,后者也是两者中最大的一个。 虽然该数字的位置在座尾应保持固定的长度,但长度在2至3位数之间。




Assuming your ssms tag means you are on SQL server, you have only limited support to some version of regular expression (not the POSIX regex).
The below query will do what you want. Its principle is to locate the rightmost occurrence of LG and from there, the 2nd preceding space. The result you want is between these 2 positions.
Refer to the comments for explanation, remove the CTE included to have a complete example and cast the returned value to integer yourself if needed:

WITH MyTable(description) AS (
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 140 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 170 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (2 X M20 X 80 LG C/W 1 NUT, 6 X M20 X 90 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 130 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 150 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, ASME B1.1, ASTM A193 B7, ASME B1.1, ASTM A194 GR 2H, GALVANISED (28 x 1 3/4" UN8 x 270 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SUBSTRING(description, LEN(description) - pos1 - pos2, pos2 - 1)
FROM MyTable
/* REVERSE the string so that searching for the rightmost character/pattern will be equivalent to searching the leftmost character/reversed pattern in the reversed string */
CROSS APPLY (SELECT REVERSE(description)) AS rev(revDescription) 
/* Find the rightmost occurrence of  LG , by searching the leftmost occurrence of  GL  in the reserved string */
CROSS APPLY (SELECT patindex(REVERSE(N % % LG% ), revDescription)) AS ca1(pos1)
/* Skipping the L (from LG) and its preceding space (i.e. starting on character 3), find the rightmost space */
CROSS APPLY (SELECT CHARINDEX(   , SUBSTRING(revDescription, pos1 + 3, 1000))) AS ca2(pos2)

其他数据库可能更能支持定期的表述,使查询更加容易撰写。 下文是Pogres的例子,我们能够在1行中做到这一点;类似做法也可能与其他数据库合作。

WITH MyTable(description) AS (
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 140 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 170 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (2 X M20 X 80 LG C/W 1 NUT, 6 X M20 X 90 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 130 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 150 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT  STUD BOLT SET, ASME B1.1, ASTM A193 B7, ASME B1.1, ASTM A194 GR 2H, GALVANISED (28 x 1 3/4" UN8 x 270 LG C/W 1 NUT) 
SELECT UNNEST(regexp_matches(description,  (d+)s*LG(?!LG) ))
FROM MyTable

In this case, we capture the number ((d+)) before LG. (?!LG) is a negative lookahead, which means there cannot be allowed another occurrence of LG to the right of the one we want to capture.
If you were to remove (?!LG) (as well as the UNNEST), you would get all the numbers immediately preceding all the occurrences of LG in 1 array per input string.



我们正在通过XPath的定点/root/r[last() - 4]


-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO @tbl (tokens) VALUES
( STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 140 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 170 LG C/W 1 NUT) ),
( STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (2 X M20 X 80 LG C/W 1 NUT, 6 X M20 X 90 LG C/W 1 NUT) ),
( STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 130 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 150 LG C/W 1 NUT) ),
( STUD BOLT SET, ASME B1.1, ASTM A193 B7, ASME B1.1, ASTM A194 GR 2H, GALVANISED (28 x 1 3/4" UN8 x 270 LG C/W 1 NUT) );
-- DDL and sample data population, end

DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = SPACE(1);

    , bolt_length = c.value( (/root/r[last() - 4]/text())[1] ,  INT )
FROM @tbl AS t
    REPLACE(tokens, @separator,  ]]></r><r><![CDATA[ ) + 
     ]]></r></root>  AS XML)) AS t1(c);


id tokens bolt_length
1 STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 140 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 170 LG C/W 1 NUT) 170
2 STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (2 X M20 X 80 LG C/W 1 NUT, 6 X M20 X 90 LG C/W 1 NUT) 90
3 STUD BOLT SET, SANS 1700, GR 8.8, SANS 1700, GR 8, GALVANISED (8 X M24 X 130 LG C/W 1 NUT, 12 X M24 X 150 LG C/W 1 NUT) 150
4 STUD BOLT SET, ASME B1.1, ASTM A193 B7, ASME B1.1, ASTM A194 GR 2H, GALVANISED (28 x 1 3/4" UN8 x 270 LG C/W 1 NUT) 270

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