English 中文(简体)
• 在IP处理随机变化时, do车 in锁——广告
原标题:docker swarm init --advertise-addr when IP address randomly changes
  • 时间:2022-03-05 16:21:59
  •  标签:
  • docker

我想尝试docker swarm


could not choose an IP address to advertise since this system has multiple addresses on different interfaces ( on enp89s0 and on eno2) - specify on with the --advertise-addr

因此,我尝试了这一指挥系统:docker swarm init-advertise-addr eno2,但这造成了错误:

Error response from daemon: interface eno2 has more than one IPv6 address (1111:1111::1111:1111:1111:1111 and 2222::2222:2222:2222:2222)

我面临另一项挑战,即我的IPv6和IPv4有时会随意改变。 我倾向于在上操作docker swarm>,而没有提及任何具体的排他性地址的论点。 Can 我开始用网络接口名称和(或)我网络的其他固定财产名称来敲响?

任何人都知道,在改变封面时, do是否稳定?


This is not possible due to:

Because manager nodes are meant to be a stable component of the infrastructure, you should use a fixed IP address for the advertise address to prevent the swarm from becoming unstable on machine reboot.



ip addr del ip_address dev interface
For example to delete an extra ip_address reported:
ip addr del 2600:5555:1234:2468::A1A1/128 dev enp2s0

这个问题已经解决。 http://strong>ip Addr

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