English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can I apply the same event listener used for all elements on form submission?


function createListener(input) {
  return (e)=> {
    const el=e.target;
    const inputValue=e.target.value;
    const validator=inputCheck(input)
    const valid=validator(inputValue);
    borderHighlight(valid, el)

inputs.forEach(input=> {
  input.addEventListener("input", createListener(input))

function borderHighlight(valid, el) {
  (valid)? el.style.border= 2px solid green :el.style.border= 2px solid red 

myForm.addEventListener( submit , (e)=> {
  inputs.forEach(input=> {

每项内容的投入活动聆听者是完美的。 它提供实在错误的信息,作为用户的投入。 但我想,当用户提出形式时(关于形式要素所附的提交活动),这一功能也一样? 我如何在守则中落实这一功能?



function validate_input(el) {
    const inputValue=el.value;
    const validator=inputCheck(el)
    if (validator) {
        const valid= validator(inputValue);
        borderHighlight(valid, el);

function createListener(input) {
    return e => validate_input(input);

inputs.forEach(input=> {
  input.addEventListener("input", createListener(input))

function borderHighlight(valid, el) {
  (valid)? el.style.border= 2px solid green :el.style.border= 2px solid red 

myform.addEventListener( submit , (e) => {
  inputs.forEach(input => validate_input(input));

Change the form submit listener a bit. Call the function returned from createListener and pass a fake event object: {target: input}.

myForm.addEventListener( submit , (e)=> {
  inputs.forEach(input=> {
    createListener(input)({target: input});


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