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• 如何更新Selenium JAVA测试结果。
原标题:How to update Selenium JAVA test results in Azure DevOps?

I am working with azure devops, and using Java selenium to runs test scripts, I couldn t find a way to post my results in the test plan whether it fails or passed with screenshots. I already have a report generated with screenshots in the pipeline, but I want it to be updated in the test plan in each relevant manual test case.

I searched and found some workarounds, first is to migrate the project and use visual basic C# as it already can be integrated with azure devops but this will be impossible to do in this project, Or connect my script using APIs to update the results, this seems to be more logical solution but don t know how to start.


Selenium testing is automated testing, it doesn t make sense to upload the Selenium test results to manual test cases.

为了作为测试计划的一部分进行测试,我们可以与测试案例相联系的自动测试。 但 Java的锡石在此没有得到支持。 见。 哪些类型的测试得到了支持?。 因此,如果你想把Selenium自动测试与测试计划中的测试案例联系起来,那么你就可以试图迁移该项目,并使用你已经提到的视觉基本原理<代码>C#。

BTW, 已有建议票要求获得这一特例支持:Java Selenium here>:, 您可以投票决定今后发生这种情况。



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