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原标题:Using ExpansionTile on GridView without moving other items
  • 时间:2024-01-21 20:08:35
  •  标签:
  • flutter
  • dart




A GridView with 4 items per row. Some of those items can be expanded to show more information. Currently If I do so, the grid gets readjusted (so the expanded item opens and around it is empty) I wanted to expand the item and not move the Grid items at all. (to them perhaps Black out the screen a bit)


您可以将<代码>ExpansionTile与OverflowBox相加,并订立<代码>alignment至,并同时制定maxHala<>/code>。 这里,我定在<代码>上的真正,以便<代码>ExpansionTile上的最高层的z-axis大于底层。

  // ...
  reverse: true,
  children: [
    for (final number in List.generate(8, (i) => i + 1))
        maxHeight: 1000,
        alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
        child: ExpansionTile(
          // ...

https://imgur.com/a/1No9DR9”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>Demonstration视频

Try it in DartPad (make sure to shrink the output screen width so that the expanded tile will overflow through the other tile)

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