I tried to use PHPOffice/PHPSpreadsheet without composer. The reason is, cause i don t get permissons to install composer. The company where i work have a little intranet-network, which is very old and was designed for 10years. So i updated php, phpmyadmin and designed the network new. ´Now it looks really well and some older functions work now.
当被要求更新Xampp时,公司所有人却不想这样做。 因此,i通过人工更新第8.1号。 现在需要使用购买力平价办公室。 如果单ks子允许安装堆肥器,则业主也不想这样做。
I searched a lot of post and found a solution. First install composer on my pc -> downlaod PHPOffice -> and move the folder to the netowrk xampp htdocs folder in my company.
All my scripts at home works great! After i copy the soruce directories to the htdocs directory(PhpSpreadsheet, PHPWord) in the company, i got a fatal error.
require_once( src/PhpSpreadsheet/vendor/autoload.php );
The file autoload will be find. But i got this error, when i use:
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
fatal error uncaught error class spreadsheet not found
can anyone help me please? Thank you a lot I
i 试图重新命名档案或改变道路,以检查单载档案没有装载。
require_once( src/PhpSpreadsheet/vendor/autoload.php );