English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do you click on an element with text in Puppeteer?

是否有任何办法或解决办法可点击带有文字的内容? 我看不到APIC。

For example I have the following HTML:

<div class="elements">
    <button>Button text</button>
    <a href=#>Href text</a>
    <div>Div text</div>

And I want to click on an element in which text is wrapped (click on the button inside .elements), like so:

Page.click( Button text ,  .elements )

Short answer


const [button] = await page.$x("//button[contains(.,  Button text )]");
if (button) {
    await button.click();

To also respect the <div class="elements"> surrounding the buttons, use the following code:

const [button] = await page.$x("//div[@class= elements ]/button[contains(.,  Button text )]");



    <button>Start End</button>
    <button>Start <em>Middle</em> End</button>


  • //button[contains(text(), Start )] will return both two nodes (as expected)
  • //button[contains(text(), End )] will only return one nodes (the first) as text() returns a list with two texts (Start and End), but contains will only check the first one
  • //button[contains(text(), Middle )] will return no results as text() does not include the text of child nodes

The XPath expression for contains (, Text ), which work on the content se including its child nodes:

  • //button[contains(., Start )] will return both two buttons
  • //button[contains(., End )] will again return both two buttons
  • //button[contains(., Middle )] will return one (the last button)




await page.evaluate(() => {
  [...document.querySelectorAll( .elements button )].find(element => element.textContent ===  Button text ).click();

Alternatively, you can use page.evaluate() to click an element based on its text content using document.evaluate() and a corresponding XPath expression:

await page.evaluate(() => {
  const xpath =  //*[@class="elements"]//button[contains(text(), "Button text")] ;
  const result = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);



http://www.npmjs.com/ Package/puppeteer-select"rel=“noretinger”>library 你们

const select = require ( puppeteer-select );

const element = await select(page).getElement( button:contains(Button text) );
await element.click()

Puppeteer 19.7.1 添加p(pseudo) 挑选人,因此,text/ 作了解释,支持:-p-text,其中选取代号。 例如:

const el = await page.waitForSelector("::-p-text(Button text)");

Pseudoselectors can work in conjunction with CSS selectors, like

const el = await page.$(".elements button::-p-text(Button text)");

在Popetepper >=18.0.0中,选修人拥有>text/。 选择要素案文的序号:

const el = await page.waitForSelector("text/Button text");

具体来说,与18年前相比,XPath最为相关。 Puppeteer:

由于欧佩斯的使用案例似乎与目标载体(<条码>)“Button”文本(、<button>Button text</button>text(>)似乎与正确方法不同,而不是<条码>contains()。

虽然,但Thomas为contains提供了良好的论据。 如果有子,则使用<代码>text(>>>,避免产生错误的负面效应,则当纽特(<button>Button text and more uff</button>, 似乎也是一种假想。 拥有这两种工具是有益的,以便你能够逐案选择更适当的工具。

const xp =  //*[@class="elements"]//button[text()="Button text"] ;
const [el] = await page.$x(xp);
await el?.click();

请注意,其他许多答复都忽略了<代码>.elements other category要求。

另一个XPath功能是[normalize-space()=“Button text”。 那些“从地体中引导和跟踪白色空间,用单一空间取代白空间的序列”,对某些情况可能有用。

此外,它经常使用waitForXPath。 如果XPath没有在规定时限内找到,则等待,然后返回:

const xp =  //*[@class="elements"]//button[text()="Button text"] ;
const el = await page.waitForXPath(xp);
await el.click();


// untrusted click (ignores visibility, sometimes useful):
await page.$$eval(".elements *", els =>
    .find(el => el.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === "button text")

// trusted click:
const el = await page.evaluateHandle(() =>
  [...document.querySelectorAll(".elements *")]
    .find(el => el.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === "button text")
await el.click();

// untrusted clicks
const els = await page.$$eval(".elements *", els =>
    .filter(el => el.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === "button text")
    .forEach(el => el.click())

// trusted clicks (not ideal)
const els = await page.evaluateHandle(`
  [...document.querySelectorAll(".elements *")]
    .filter(el => el.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === "button text")
const length = await els.evaluate(els => els.length);

for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  const el = await els.evaluateHandle((els, i) => els[i], i);
  await el.click();


const el = await page.waitForFunction(`
  [...document.querySelectorAll(".elements *")]
    .find(el => el.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === "button text")
await el.click();

如果你重新操纵一页,而那页的 j(或如果你 进口,则你可以使用<代码>:contains<>>:ttains sizzle pseumedlector syntax:

const el = await page.evaluateHandle(`
  $( .elements :contains("Button text") ).first()

The solution is

(await page.$$eval(selector, a => a
            .filter(a => a.textContent ===  target text )


let selector =  a ;
    await page.$$eval(selector, anchors => {
        anchors.map(anchor => {
            if(anchor.textContent ==  target text ) {


await page.$$eval( selector , selectorMatched => {
    for(i in selectorMatched)
      if(selectorMatched[i].textContent ===  text string ){
          break;//Remove this line (break statement) if you want to click on all matched elements otherwise the first element only is clicked  


await page.click("input[value= Opt1 ]"); //where value is an attribute of the element input
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);

await page.click("li[value= Nested choice 1 ]"); //where value is an attribute of the element li after clicking the previous option
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);

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