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如何在Jenkinsfile管道中逃脱这一 command的指挥?
原标题:How to escape this sed command in a Jenkinsfile Pipeline?


sed "s/pub Url =.*/pub Url =  https://example.com:3207 ;/g" myfile.ts


Pretty sure it will look something like this:

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm Url = https:////example.com:3207/;/g/”我的档案。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 然而,这造成了以下错误:。

WorkflowScript: 4: unexpected char: @ line 4, column 49. ub Url =.*/pub Url = \ https:\/\/ex



sed:-e expression #1, char1: 不详的指挥:`'


As noted here: https://gist.github.com/Faheetah/e11bd0315c34ed32e681616e41279ef4 this is not uncommon to fight this type of stuff in the pipeline files and it seems like it s just trial and error.


Ok after much trial and error, this is working.

象我这样,我不得不在指挥周围使用 >。 我不需要干涉!

sh sed "s/pub Url =.*/pub Url = \ https:\/\/example.com:3207\ ;/g" afile.txt



令人惊讶的是,通过审判和错误,我了解到,即使在的三联字中,反弹需要加倍。 因此,解决你问题的机械办法希望能找到。

sh    sed "s/pub Url =.*/pub Url =  https:\/\/example.com:3207 ;/g" myfile.ts   

然而,通过使用不同的限定词,你可以避免冲锋枪。 确实,确保你们选择在你需要处理的文本中出现错误。

sh    sed "s%pub Url =.*%pub Url =  https://example.com:3207 ;%g" myfile.ts   

更为复杂的是,你试图在<条码>上使用背书。 如果你真心地试图

sh    sed  s/foo(bar|baz)/quux1/  file   

页: 1

org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 1: unexpected char:    @ line 1, column 17.
sh    sed  s/foo(bar|baz)/quux1/  file   


sh    sed  s/foo\(bar\|baz\)/quux\1/  file   

在这方面增加更多内容...... 我有一个议题是sed -i s//_//g abc.txt。 • 在CLI进行控制,但结果是<><>unxpected char> mis in jenkins, 因此,必须替换:

sed -i  s/\_///g  abc.txt 


sed -i "s/\_/\//g" abc.txt

To remove this error from jenkins.

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