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原标题:The declared package "" does not match the expected package "src" in Visual Studio Code

我最初在一份名为“GravityBallz”的档案中掌握了我所有的java档案,但我随后在GravityBallz的夹中创建了一个称为“弧”的夹,并将其全部放在其中。 现在它给我留下了一个错误。 我试图重新开始工作,但依然没有工作。

增 编

https://i.stack.imgur.com/6Kb3b.png”rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 因此,我添加了

这里,所有问题都是Im 待解决的。


Because you had put your java file in src folder, so you need to add "package src" in every java file.

为了消除这些错误,不必在每一档案中申报<条码>包装弧;,你必须熟悉一个非常简单的概念:The Java parpath

大多数Java IDEs 或环境,如VSCode所用的环境,在一份称为“ClassPath”的目录下,搜索贵项目的来源档案。

在 Java方案语言中, 阶级path通常由一个java参数或一个环境变量通过,并在JVERS(Java虚拟机器)研究、Pryn>>。



You can modify this path association in different ways depending on your IDE or Environment. Particularly, in VSCode you can search in the command pallette: "> Java: Configure Classpath"

Example of a project with a configured source classpath

https://i.stack.imgur.com/7QOyt.png” rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 项目结构本身

it will bring you to a simple but useful interface that allows you to select the project you want to configure and all the different directories where you may store your source files and your compiled class files.


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