English 中文(简体)
为什么我无法在一系列物体中获取财产,如果不是在 lo中?
原标题:Why I cannot access a property in an array of objects if not in a loop?

I m working with Vue 3. If I write this:

<p v-for="(prs, index) in settings.pressure">{{settings.pressure[0].value}}</p>

I see the value correctly, while if I use this (the one I need):



Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 0 )



似乎这种环境。 当模板装载时,压力就没有界定。

You are able to for in loop an undefined element without throwing an error. Since it does not loop over anything, <p>{dings.pressure?>[0]. will not be evaluated. As such it gives time for your settings.pressure state to be loaded which will render the element as expected.


try {
    for (let i in undefined) {}
    console.log("No error thrown")
} catch (error) {
    console.log("Error thrown")

然而,你的第二个答案是,立即进入阵列中未界定的第一个要素。 这将使你留下错误。



<>t>v-for Directive(无论该代码如何)的模板代码在收集的<>>>>>>>>每一项目上均已执行<><>><>>>>>>>><>t/sup>/em>> > >。

So when settings.pressure is an empty array ([]) it runs the template code once for each item in the array: 0 times!

But when you run settings.pressure[0].value outside of v-for and settings.pressure is empty, the code tries to find the first item in settings.pressure (which is undefined). And then it tries to access the .value of undefined, like it was an object. Whenever you try to access any property of null or undefined, JavaScript will throw an error telling you they don t have any properties (because they can t have them, by design) and therefore they can t be queried for properties.


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