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从Gite Hub下载名录
原标题:Download Directory from GitHub

Trying to download a folder from git.
I tried wget --no-parent -r http://WEBSITE.com/DIRECTORY and also without --no-parent - did not work. curl works fine with single files, I thought wget should get the folder - it does everything but that.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/273743/using-wget-to-recursively-fetch-a-directory-with-a arbitrary-files-in-it> 采用植被,在中 a取带有任意档案的目录。 无



git Clone <SSH> or <HTTPS>


https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>

So, if you instead to use wget to download a directory, just try this. It will pack your target directory into a .zip, so you can curlorwget it.

否则,档案Name和根名录的价值被定为下载档案或目录的名称。 如果你不想在纸面上添加目录,那么就建立了根基目录。 与此相类似:https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/hasKamal/DownGit/tree/master/res/images&rootDirectory=false”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>;https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/MinhasKamal/DownGit/DownGit/index_fpzi。

如果你想要下载文件:https://github.com/hasKamal/DownGit/blob/master/res/images/downgit.png 之后,链接将

这样,我就利用SVN从一个吉特制系统下载文件/直言,途径是URL到trunk。 但这非常不方便。

A bit late but in case some one stumbles here later. You can use following tools :

In both tools, you can just enter your url to direct download or create a download link.

For those who prefer GUI tools, there is another easy way to download a folder using code sandbox.

Navigate to the folder and replace github to githubbox in the URL. Then on code sandbox go to files pain on the left and hover the mouse over the down arrow, it will show a popup tooltip "Export to Zip". Just click on it to download the folder as a zip file.
reference: Download a single folder or directory from a BRANCH in GitHub repo

仅靠背书,并删除你原封不动的夹和档案。 之后下载回波时为zip

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