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博客清单: com马和|子组合
原标题:Prolog lists: combination of comma and |

In Prolog, [a, b, c] = [a, b, c | []]

However, I am confused about what the head of [a, b, c | []] is? If [a, b, c] = [a, b, c | []] why is it not true that: [a, b, c] = [a, b, c | []] = [[a, b, c | []] | []]] = ... (so I added another empty list at the end of the head, since they are elements separated by a comma, just like it is the case with [a, b, c] where we also added an empty list)

So I see a comma as: combine all the elements via the | operator, and add an empty list at the end. "a, b, c" (the head of [a, b, c | []]) would then become [a, b, c | []] again and so on.


And If I m not mistaken, | has a higher precedence than the comma operator. So [A, B|C] = [A|[B|C]]. But why is it not the case that [A, B|C] = [A|[[B|C]|[]]].

I can memorize the correct definition as follows: combine the elements via |, and add an empty list at the end only if the last operand of the commas is enclosed by a ]. So then: [a, b, c] = [a, b, c | []], and if I got [a, b, c | []], even though I got commas here, I wouldn t add an empty list since the last element (c) is not enclosed by a ]. But this seems to be not a good way to understand this.


缩略语:[] > 列出了一份名单,[]

?- write_canonical([a,b,c|[]]).

?- write_canonical([[a,b,c|[]]|[]]).

它们彼此之间可打上<条码>=,因为它们结构不同。 确实如此。


The head of a list is the first item, that s a list of three items and the first one is a:

?- [Head|Tail] = [a,b,c|[]].
Head = a,
Tail = [b, c].

[a、b、c、[ ]] = [[a、b、c、[]][>]


因此,我看到一个ma子:把所有要素都通过“非洲红新月”来合并,最后添加一个空洞的清单。 “a、b、c”([a、b、c、])之后将再次成为[a、b、c、]。

我看到一份清单,即把清单中的项目分开,把管道连接到最后另一个清单。 最后列出一个空洞的清单,只字不提目的,但没有必要写上,因为只有<代码>[a,b,c]<>/代码”就足够清楚。


1: Sometimes the comma operator adds an empty list to the end, sometimes it doesn’t.

我刚刚走了最后的 com子,并加上了一个空洞的清单和一个管道。

我不理解对 com的这种关注;你增加了一条管道和一个空洞的清单,你在另一层清单中总结了全部内容。 页: 1

页: 1 而是a b c-> (a b c [])-> (a b c []]) 不同。

<代码>[a,b,c]为清单。 接着,<代码>[a,b,c.Rest]是一份无地尾附着的清单(“必须用空号终止清单”)是假的,这份清单没有固定长度。 然后,[a,b,c.Rest],Res=[1,2,3],编号至信函结尾。 然后,[a,b,c.Rest],Res=[>, 单列,即 抗议者知道一份名单已经结束,因此现在这份固定期限清单。 3. 。 如果你想要的话,可以写到<代码>[a,b,> >>,但我不知道,为什么你希望照同<代码>[a,b,c],而且这种编号缩短,更容易书写。

不能写上<代码>[a、c、[>、]<>>>、>/代码和<代码>。 我仍然认为外部<代码>[ ]是清单编制者,超过了您对 com的重视程度,这就是为什么我这样说。


当你想要的时候。 很想写一下它,你也不必这样做。

就我的第一个问题而言,提及我的问题可能是有益的,因为我们可以用管道取代 com。


如果你想要的话。 这份固定收入清单的结尾。 在幕后,你不一定总是需要引起注意。 <代码>[a,b,c]。 这份清单与一份空档清单的清单不相同,最后一项是“随附一份空档清单”,即<代码>。



Prolog模型将第一要素与通过[><>>>>>>>>1--rest concatenation的其余部分合并起来。




EmptyList = [],
SingleElementList = [e],
TwoElementList = [a, b],
EmptyList =.. EmptyListStructure,
SingleElementList =.. SingleElementListStructure,
TwoElementList =.. TwoElementListStructure.


EmptyList = [],
EmptyListStructure = [[]],
SingleElementList = [e],
SingleElementListStructure = [ [|] , e, []],
TwoElementList = [a, b],
TwoElementListStructure = [ [|] , a, [b]]

运营商不是互换的,不是联系的,也不是需求。 因此,请参见<代码[a、b、c]、<>>>>。

At least SWI-prolog actually allows you to use [|] operator directly, so you can construct a two element list as

TwoElementList =  [|] (a,  [|] (b, [])).

结果是,从<代码>[a, b]中无法区分的,因为这实际上是这样。

我知道这并不是立即进行的,而是至少是自信的。 希望这一帮助。

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