English 中文(简体)
原标题:Most efficient method of generating a random number with a fixed number of bits set

我需要随机抽出数量,但需要从数量相同的一组双轨数字中挑选。 E.g. 选择直截面值,精确为2比照......

00000000 - no
00000001 - no
00000010 - no
00000011 - YES
00000100 - no
00000101 - YES
00000110 - YES

=> Set of possible numbers 3, 5, 6...

请注意,这是一套简化的数字。 更按照Choose的思路思考一下,随机数字为64比特,精确为40比特。 每一组数字同样可能出现。




def random_bits(word_size, bit_count):
    number = 0
    for bit in random.sample(range(word_size), bit_count):
        number |= 1 << bit
    return number





  • and with a random number is dividing by 2 the number of set bits,
  • or is adding 50% of set bits.

C 编集(有__builtin_popcountll):

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/// Return a random number, with nb_bits bits set out of the width LSB
uint64_t random_bits(uint8_t width, uint8_t nb_bits)
    assert(nb_bits <= width);
    assert(width <= 64);
    uint64_t x_min = 0;
    uint64_t x_max = width == 64 ? (uint64_t)-1 : (1UL<<width)-1;
    int n = 0;

    while (n != nb_bits)
        // generate a random value of at least width bits
        uint64_t x = random();
        if (width > 31)
            x ^= random() << 31;
        if (width > 62)
            x ^= random() << 33;

        x = x_min | (x & x_max); // x_min is a subset of x, which is a subset of x_max
        n = __builtin_popcountll(x);
        printf("x_min = 0x%016lX, %d bits
", x_min, __builtin_popcountll(x_min));
        printf("x_max = 0x%016lX, %d bits
", x_max, __builtin_popcountll(x_max));
        printf("x     = 0x%016lX, %d bits

", x, n);
        if (n > nb_bits)
            x_max = x;
            x_min = x;

    return x_min;

一般来说,只有不到10只休息室才能达到要求的借方数目(而且用uck子可以带2或3个休息室)。 陈列(nb_bits=0,1,width-1,width)的案件正在审理之中,即使特别案件会更快。


x_min = 0x0000000000000000, 0 bits
x_max = 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 61 bits
x     = 0x1492717D79B2F570, 33 bits

x_min = 0x0000000000000000, 0 bits
x_max = 0x1492717D79B2F570, 33 bits
x     = 0x1000202C70305120, 14 bits

x_min = 0x0000000000000000, 0 bits
x_max = 0x1000202C70305120, 14 bits
x     = 0x0000200C10200120, 7 bits

x_min = 0x0000200C10200120, 7 bits
x_max = 0x1000202C70305120, 14 bits
x     = 0x1000200C70200120, 10 bits

x_min = 0x1000200C70200120, 10 bits
x_max = 0x1000202C70305120, 14 bits
x     = 0x1000200C70201120, 11 bits

x_min = 0x1000200C70201120, 11 bits
x_max = 0x1000202C70305120, 14 bits
x     = 0x1000200C70301120, 12 bits

width = 61, nb_bits = 12, x = 0x1000200C70301120

当然,你需要一名优秀的医生。 否则,你就会面临无限的 lo。

设定的比数是b,字数是多少。 我将产生一种介质,即长体,第一种b值为1,其余数值为0。 然后,就只有uff。


choose a bit at random
if it is already set
    do nothing
    set it
    increment count
end if


This will only be slow when the number of bits you want set (call it k) is more than half the word length (call it N). In that case, use the algorithm to set N - k bits instead and then flip all the bits in the result.

I bet the expected running time here is pretty good, although I am too lazy/stupid to compute it precisely right now. But I can bound it as less than 2*k... The expected number of flips of a coin to get "heads" is two, and each iteration here has a better than 1/2 chance of succeeding.

如果您没有 Python s<>> random.sample<>>,你可以在C中使用 classic的顺序:

unsigned long k_bit_helper(int n, int k, unsigned long bit, unsigned long accum) {
  if !(n && k)
    return accum;
  if (k > rand() % n)
    return k_bit_helper(n - 1, k - 1, bit + bit, accum + bit);
    return k_bit_helper(n - 1, k, bit + bit, accum);

unsigned long random_k_bits(int k) {
  return k_bit_helper(64, k, 1, 0);

The cost of the above will be dominated by the cost of generating the random numbers (true in the other solutions, also). You can optimize this a bit if you have a good prng by batching: for example, since you know that the random numbers will be in steadily decreasing ranges, you could get the random numbers for n through n-3 by getting a random number in the range 0..(n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * (n - 3)) and then extracting the individual random numbers:

r = randint(0, n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * (n - 3) - 1);
rn  = r % n; r /= n
rn1 = r % (n - 1); r /= (n - 1);
rn2 = r % (n - 2); r /= (n - 2);
rn3 = r % (n - 3); r /= (n - 3);

<代码>n的最高限额为64或 26,因此上述产品的最高价值肯定低于224。 确实,如果你使用64位轨道镜头,你可以抽出多达10个随机号码。 然而,除非你知道,你使用手法自行生产随机截肢。

I have another suggestion based on enumeration: choose a random number i between 1 and n choose k, and generate the i-th combination. For example, for n = 6, k = 3 the 20 combinations are:


让我们任意选择第7号。 我们首先检查的是,它是否处于最后地位:由于头10个(5个选择2个)组合存在。 随后,我们又重新检查了其余职位。 这里有一些CDN编码:

word ithCombination(int n, int k, word i) {
    // i is zero-based
    word x = 0;
    word b = 1;
    while (k) {
        word c = binCoeff[n - 1][k - 1];
        if (i < c) {
            x |= b;
        } else {
            i -= c;
        b <<= 1;
    return x;
word randomKBits(int k) {
    word i = randomRange(0, binCoeff[BITS_PER_WORD][k] - 1);
    return ithCombination(BITS_PER_WORD, k, i);

为了加快速度,我们在<编码>binCoeff上使用了预估的生物系数。 该功能ranRange回收了两种束缚之间的随机分类(含括)。

我做了一些时间安排(source)。 随着C++11的违约随机生成器,大部分时间用于生成随机编号。 之后,这一解决办法最快,因为它使用了尽可能的绝对最低随机计数。 如果我使用一个快速随机生成器,那么用千兆克六来解决问题最快。 如果已知k非常小,则最好在设定k之前随机设定比额。

并不是算法建议,而是在 Java里找到了一种真正不正确的解决办法,以便直接从Math.random输出轨道上利用ArrayBuffer获得随机借方。

//Swap var out with const and let for maximum performance! I like to use var because of prototyping ease
var randomBitList = function(n){
    var floats = Math.ceil(n/64)+1;
    var buff = new ArrayBuffer(floats*8);
    var floatView = new Float64Array(buff);
    var int8View = new Uint8Array(buff);
    var intView = new Int32Array(buff);
    for(var i = 0; i < (floats-1)*2; i++){
        floatView[floats-1] = Math.random();
        int8View[(floats-1)*8] = int8View[(floats-1)*8+4];
        intView[i] = intView[(floats-1)*2];
    this.get = function(idx){
        var i = idx>>5;//divide by 32
        var j = idx%32;
        return (intView[i]>>j)&1;
        //return Math.random()>0.5?0:1;
    this.getBitList = function(){
        var arr = [];
        for(var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++){
            var i = idx>>5;//divide by 32
            var j = idx%32;
            arr[idx] = (intView[i]>>j)&1;
        return arr;

Simplest Snippet

工作最简单者如下。 onlyNBitsSetRNG64 随机抽取64个轨道编号,rng,并生成一个随机的64个轨道编号,完全等于n。 (10个轨道中的Max) 将快速递进功能用在低于这一限额。

uint64_t onlyNBitsSetRNG64(uint64_t rng, unsigned n) {
    uint64_t res = 1;
    while(1) {
        res = (res >> (rng & 63)) | (res << (64 - (rng & 63)));
        rng >>= 6;
        if ( ! (n -= 1)) return res;
        res |= res + 1;


uint32_t onlyNBitsSetRNG32(uint64_t rng, unsigned n) {
    uint32_t res = 1;
    while(1) {
        res = (res >> (rng & 31)) | (res << (32 - (rng & 31)));
        rng >>= 5;
        if ( ! (n -= 1)) return res;
        res |= res + 1;

GB/s of speed


#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>

    T NAME { assert(((void)"N bits too big",N<=sizeof(rng)*8)); 
        unsigned i = N ; 
        for (T res = 1; 1; res|=res+1) { 
            const int SZT = sizeof(T), MSK = SZT*8 - 1; 
            res = (res>>(rng&MSK)) | (res<<(MSK+1 - (rng&MSK))); 
            rng >>= 3+(SZT>1)+(SZT>2)+(SZT>4)+(SZT>8)+(SZT>16); 
            if ( ! (i -= 1)) return res; 
        } return ((void)"Note: unreachable", 0); }

#define _RINB_VECSET1(N,V) for(j=0;j<N;j++) V[j] = 1;
#define _RINB_VECRD(N,V) for(j=0;j<N;j++)memcpy(V+j,rand++,SZT);
#define _RINB_VECROL(N,V,S) for(j=0;j<N;j++) V[j]=(V[j]>>(S[j]&M1))|(V[j]<<(M-(S[j]&M1)));
#define _RINB_VECSHR(N,V) for(j=0;j<N;j++) V[j] >>= shft;
#define _RINB_VECAOR(N,V) for(j=0;j<N;j++) V[j] |= V[j] + 1;
#define _RINB_VECWR(N,T,O,F) for(j=0;j<N;j++)T[O*N+j] = F[j];
#define _RINB_SMB(N,V,T) 
    assert(((void)"length must be multiple 512", (len&511)==0)); 
    uint8_t SZT=(uint8_t)sizeof(T), M=(uint8_t)SZT*8, M1=M-1;
    T * rand=(T*)rng, * p=(T*)&out[0], *e=(T*)&out[len];
    for(int k,i,j,shft=3+(SZT>1)+(SZT>2)+(SZT>4)+(SZT>8)+(SZT>16); p!=e; p+=4*V){
        T a[V]={0},b[V]={0},c[V]={0},d[V]={0},aR[V]={0},bR[V]={0},cR[V]={0},dR[V]={0}; 
        int x=N, l=0; while(1) {
            if (!(x -= 1)) break; 

#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 202311L || defined(__GNUC__)
    #define _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(O,N,V) static void O{_RINB_SMB(N,V,typeof(*out))}
#elif defined(__cplusplus)
    #define _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(O,N,V) static void O{_RINB_SMB(N,V,decltype(*out))}
    #define _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(O,N,V) static void O {
        if(sizeof(*out)==8){ _RINB_SMB(N,V,uint64_t) } 
        else if(sizeof(*out)==4){ _RINB_SMB(N,V,uint32_t) } 
        else if(sizeof(*out)==2){ _RINB_SMB(N,V,uint16_t) } 
        else if(sizeof(*out)==1){ _RINB_SMB(N,V,uint8_t) } 
        else assert(((void)"needed type size not found", 0));}

#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__)
    #define _RINB_PRAGMA(str) _Pragma(str)
    #ifdef __clang__
        #define _RINTNBCA(x,...) __attribute__((target(x)))
        #define _RINTNBCA(...) __attribute__((target(__VA_ARGS__), 
    #define _RAND_INTNBIT_VECIMPL(O, N) 
        _RINTNBCA("default") _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(DEF ## O ,N,1) 
        _RINTNBCA("avx2,bmi2") _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(AVX2 ## O ,N,8)
        _RINTNBIT_SMIMPL(A512 ## O ,N,16)
    #define _RAND_INTNBIT_SEL(V,S) if(!S("cmov"))__builtin_cpu_init();
        if(S("avx512dq")&&S("avx512vl")) V = A512 ## V;
        else if(S("avx2")&&S("bmi2")) V = AVX2 ## V;
        else V = DEF ## V;            V(out,len,rng);
        void (*NAME) ARGS = SEL ## NAME ; static void SEL ## NAME ARGS {
            _RAND_INTNBIT_SEL(NAME, __builtin_cpu_supports) }
#elif defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__GNUC__)
    #define _RINB_PRAGMA(str) _Pragma(str)
                                         void (*O) A = REAL ## O ;
    #define _RINB_PRAGMA(str) 
                                         void (*O) A = REAL ## O ;

// NBIT_RNG_SIZE => rng bytes needed for SZ-int stream LEN-long and N bits in each
#define INTN_OF_NBIT_RNG_SIZE(SZ, LEN, N) ((LEN * N)*3/4)

The above code is written with portability fallbacks but is untested on MSVC; probably a tweak or two at most and it should work.

Example usage:

// Usage example. Feel free to rename these as desired:
//  - `uint32_t int32With4SetBits(uint32_t rng)` => get a random number with only 4 bits set from `rng`
//  - `void (*int32With4SetBitsStream)(uint32_t* out, size_t len, void* rng)` => stream `len` of
//       uint32_t to the `out` array, consuming `INTN_OF_NBIT_RNG_SIZE()` RNG bytes
RAND_INTN_NBIT(uint32_t, int32With4SetBits(uint32_t rng), 4)
RAND_INTN_NBIT_STREAM(int32With4SetBitsStream, (uint32_t* out, size_t len, void* rng), 4)

如果你的机器支持AVX512,那么AVX512将同时检查4 512个轨道病媒中的1632个轨道分类,达到每台2.7个周期,或者在我的机器上安装1 200mb/s,例如建立32个轨道分类器,每台只有4个轨道:

        test    esi, 511
        jne     .L47
        mov     rcx, rdi
        lea     rdi, [rdi+rsi*4]
        cmp     rcx, rdi
        je      .L42
        mov     eax, 1
        mov     rsi, rdx
        vpxor   xmm9, xmm9, xmm9
        vpbroadcastd    zmm8, eax
        mov     eax, 31
        vpbroadcastd    zmm7, eax
        vpxor   xmm13, xmm13, xmm13
        vmovdqa32       zmm14, zmm8
        vmovdqa32       zmm6, zmm8
        mov     edx, 4
        vmovdqa32       zmm5, zmm8
        vmovdqa32       zmm4, zmm8
        vmovdqa32       zmm12, zmm13
        xor     eax, eax
        vmovdqa32       zmm11, zmm13
        vmovdqa32       zmm10, zmm13
        sub     eax, 5
        js      .L48
        vpandd  zmm2, zmm10, zmm7
        vpandd  zmm1, zmm11, zmm7
        vpandd  zmm0, zmm12, zmm7
        vpsubd  zmm3, zmm9, zmm2
        vpsrld  zmm10, zmm10, 5
        vpandd  zmm15, zmm13, zmm7
        vpsrld  zmm11, zmm11, 5
        vpsrld  zmm12, zmm12, 5
        vpandd  zmm3, zmm3, zmm7
        vpsllvd zmm3, zmm4, zmm3
        vpsrlvd zmm4, zmm4, zmm2
        vpsubd  zmm2, zmm9, zmm1
        vpandd  zmm2, zmm2, zmm7
        vpsrld  zmm13, zmm13, 5
        vpsllvd zmm2, zmm5, zmm2
        vpsrlvd zmm5, zmm5, zmm1
        vpsubd  zmm1, zmm9, zmm0
        vpandd  zmm1, zmm1, zmm7
        vpord   zmm3, zmm3, zmm4
        vpsllvd zmm1, zmm6, zmm1
        vpsrlvd zmm6, zmm6, zmm0
        vpsubd  zmm0, zmm9, zmm15
        vpandd  zmm0, zmm0, zmm7
        vpsrlvd zmm15, zmm14, zmm15
        vpord   zmm2, zmm2, zmm5
        vpsllvd zmm0, zmm14, zmm0
        vpord   zmm1, zmm1, zmm6
        vpaddd  zmm4, zmm3, zmm8
        vpaddd  zmm5, zmm2, zmm8
        vpaddd  zmm6, zmm1, zmm8
        vpord   zmm4, zmm4, zmm3
        vpord   zmm0, zmm0, zmm15
        vpord   zmm5, zmm5, zmm2
        vpord   zmm6, zmm6, zmm1
        vpaddd  zmm14, zmm0, zmm8
        vpord   zmm14, zmm14, zmm0
        dec     edx
        jne     .L38
        vmovdqu32       ZMMWORD PTR [rcx], zmm3
        add     rcx, 256
        vmovdqu32       ZMMWORD PTR [rcx-192], zmm2
        vmovdqu32       ZMMWORD PTR [rcx-128], zmm1
        vmovdqu32       ZMMWORD PTR [rcx-64], zmm0
        cmp     rdi, rcx
        jne     .L39

在AARCH64 /ARM 64-bit方面,产生了以下优化的近地天体代码:

        tst     x1, 511
        beq     .L2
        stp     x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
        adrp    x3, .LANCHOR0
        adrp    x1, .LC0
        mov     x29, sp
        adrp    x0, .LC1
        add     x3, x3, :lo12:.LANCHOR0
        add     x1, x1, :lo12:.LC0
        add     x0, x0, :lo12:.LC1
        mov     w2, 642
        bl      __assert_fail
        movi    v16.4s, 0x1
        add     x1, x0, x1, lsl 2
        movi    v5.4s, 0x1f
        cmp     x0, x1
        beq     .L12
        movi    v0.4s, 0x1
        mov     w4, 4
        movi    v4.4s, 0
        mov     w3, 0
        mov     v3.16b, v0.16b
        mov     v6.16b, v4.16b
        subs    w3, w3, #5
        bpl     .L4
        ldp     q6, q4, [x2]
        add     x2, x2, 32
        mov     w3, 32
        and     v7.16b, v6.16b, v5.16b
        subs    w4, w4, #1
        and     v1.16b, v4.16b, v5.16b
        ushr    v6.4s, v6.4s, 5
        ushr    v4.4s, v4.4s, 5
        neg     v7.4s, v7.4s
        and     v2.16b, v7.16b, v5.16b
        sshl    v2.4s, v3.4s, v2.4s
        ushl    v3.4s, v3.4s, v7.4s
        orr     v2.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b
        neg     v3.4s, v1.4s
        and     v1.16b, v3.16b, v5.16b
        sshl    v1.4s, v0.4s, v1.4s
        ushl    v0.4s, v0.4s, v3.4s
        add     v3.4s, v2.4s, v16.4s
        orr     v1.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
        orr     v3.16b, v3.16b, v2.16b
        add     v0.4s, v1.4s, v16.4s
        orr     v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
        bne     .L5
        stp     q2, q1, [x0]
        add     x0, x0, 32
        b       .L3

Explanation: add-or

我们算法的基本组成部分是很少使用的add-or:(a+ b) > > > >。

<>m>add-or上的中点是,当a 是两条之权力时,比方位数在1年时始终递增,除非注入流(即过去2年占32分之1):

a := 0b101101
b := 0b000100
a + b := 0b110001
addOr := (a + b) | a | b
addOr := 0b111101


Explanation: handling the carry

因此,我们的情况正与“附加”一起出现。 如今,这一概念最简单:

uint32_t addOneBitTo(uint32_t to, unsigned pos) {
    uint32_t sum = to + (UINT32_C(1) << (pos & 31));
    uint32_t carry = sum < to; // detect overflow into 33rd bit
    sum += carry;
    uint32_t addOr = sum | to;
    return addOr;

* E/CN.6/2009/1。 当然,有所有轨道(即<代码>-1)。

Explanation: rotations

将结转到这笔钱中,会产生一种非依赖性,将非顺序执行限制在无收益的关键道路上,这样,就能够做得更好。 轮值。

我们可以不核对过量,而是轮换源比和增加比值,使增加的比值变成1,而我们只是双向的<条码>x+ 1 > 。

#define ROTATE32R(x,n) (x>>(n&31)) | (x<<(32-(n&31)))
#define ROTATE32L(x,n) (x<<(n&31)) | (x>>(32-(n&31)))

// gives THE SAME output as the previous `addOneBitTo`
uint32_t addOneBitTo(uint32_t to, unsigned pos) {
    to = ROTATE32R(to, pos);
    uint32_t sum = to + (UINT32_C(1) << 0); // now the new pos is 0
    // no carry(!!!)
    uint32_t addOr = sum | to;
    addOr = ROTATE32L(addOr, pos); // restore the rotation
    return addOr;

由于这是一个全国过渡政府,我们不关心产出,而只是随机分配和统一分配的产出,我们可以取消第二次轮换制,以生产以下一线建筑群。 在达到预期的分界线之前,一再要求采取随机立场。

#define ROTATE32R(x,n) (x>>(n&31)) | (x<<(32-(n&31)))

uint32_t randomAddBitTo(uint32_t to, unsigned pos) {
    to |= 1 + to;
    return ROTATE32R(to, pos);

That s all the explanation I have. I found nothing further of interest than this.

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