English 中文(简体)
1. 结构的缘由
原标题:Passing a string to a structure


car_1_name [car_1_id] & car_2_name [car_2_id]

我想将每辆汽车的姓名和胎盘存放在一列。 为此,我设立了两个机构,称为“Car_”和“_Car_List_”。 然而,我为上述形式下限而写的“间隔”职能似乎并不恰当地摘取汽车名称(我用斜体分解)。 然而,当我用人工方式在名单上添加一辆汽车时,便能正确展示地毯。 下面你可以找到我的最低工作榜样:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct _Car_
  char* name_;
  int id_;
  struct _Car_* parent_1_;
  struct _Car_* parent_2_;

struct _Car_List_
  struct _Car_* car_list[100];
  int number_of_cars;

struct _Car_* createCar(char* name, int id)
  struct _Car_* car = malloc(sizeof(struct _Car_));

  if (car == NULL)
    return NULL;

  car -> name_ = name;
  car -> id_ = id;

  return car;

void addCar(struct _Car_List_* my_list, struct _Car_* car)
  my_list -> car_list[my_list -> number_of_cars] = car;
  my_list -> number_of_cars = my_list -> number_of_cars + 1;


int parse(struct _Car_List_* my_list)
  char string[] = "Ferrari [3] & Porsche [6]

  char* car_1_string = strtok(string, "&");
  char* car_2_string = strtok(NULL, "&");

  char* car_1_name = strtok(car_1_string, "[");
  int car_1_id = atoi(strtok(NULL, "]"));

  char* car_2_name = strtok(car_2_string, "[");
  int car_2_id = atoi(strtok(NULL, "]"));

  struct _Car_* car_1 = createCar(car_1_name, car_1_id);
  struct _Car_* car_2 = createCar(car_2_name, car_2_id);

  addCar(my_list, car_1);
  addCar(my_list, car_2);

  return 0;

void printList(struct _Car_List_* my_list)
  int i = 0;
  struct _Car_* car = my_list -> car_list[i];

  while (car != NULL)
    printf("- %s [%d]
", car -> name_, car -> id_);
    i = i + 1;
    car = my_list -> car_list[i];

int testAdd(struct _Car_List_* my_list)
  struct _Car_* car = createCar("Renault", 1);
  addCar(my_list, car);

  return 0;

int main()
  struct _Car_List_* my_list = malloc(sizeof(struct _Car_List_));
  my_list -> number_of_cars = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1)
    my_list -> car_list[i] = NULL;


  printf("Below the printed list:

  return 0;



strtok does not allocate any new memory. car_1_name and car_2_name both point at memory inside string. string is a local variable and will be deallocated when parse exits. That memory may then be overwritten leaving car_1_name and car_2_name pointing at garbage.


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