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原标题:how to get a return type of a member function pointer [duplicate]

Is there a way to determine a return type of a member function pointer?


///// my library
void my_func(auto mptr) { // have to use `auto`
  // some logic based on a return type of mptr: int, string, A, etc.

///// client code
struct A {
  int foo();
  std::string bar(int);

class B{
  A func(int, double);
// ... and many other classes

// ... many other calls of my_func()


Edit: I can t use std::result_of/std::invoke_result as I don t know the full list of parameters of mptr. It s not important with which params a method is supposed to be called as I m not calling it. I would like to avoid creating an object of base class of mptr even if I m able to determine it (using declval is ok).



template <typename T>
struct ReturnType;

template <typename Object, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct ReturnType<Return (Object::*)(Args...)>
    using Type = Return;

void my_func(auto mptr) {
  typename ReturnType<decltype(mptr)>::Type obj;

http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/e7761cff81061d3d”rel=“noretinger”>Live Demo


You can write a function that deduces the type of a member function pointer, and returns the deduced return type. Note that only a declaration, and no definition is needed

template <typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
auto ret_type(Ret (C::*)(Args...)) -> Ret;

void my_func(auto mptr) 
  using type = decltype(ret_type(mptr));



也可以通过增加超载荷来核算cv-qualifiers。 e.g.

template <typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
auto ret_type(Ret (C::*)(Args...) const) -> Ret;



template <typename TYPE, typename FUNCPTR, typename...ARGS>
using mfunc_return_t = decltype((std::declval<TYPE>().*std::declval<FUNCPTR>())(std::declval<ARGS&>()...));

Then I use it in a function which calls a provided member function.

template <typename FUNCPTR, typename TYPE, typename...ARGS>
mfunc_return_t<TYPE, FUNCPTR, ARGS...> SafeCall(TYPE* ptr, FUNCPTR func, ARGS&...args)
    if (ptr != nullptr)
        return (ptr->*func)(args...);
    using ReturnType = mfunc_return_t<TYPE, FUNCPTR, ARGS...>;
    return DefaultValue<ReturnType>();


Then I can do things like

return SafeCall(pointer, &MyClass::FunctionName, arg1, arg2);

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