English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why does reduce waits for promises sequentially, while forEach does not?


const promises = [
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000, "Hi")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500, "second")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100, "third"))
promises.reduce(async (a, promise) => {
  await a;
const p = await promise;
}, Promise.resolve());

The output of this code is Hi, first, third, despite there is a massive time difference between these three promises. My thoughts:

在每一条循环中,立即减少退款,并作出令人信服的承诺。 因此,其随后的“合成绳钓”将等到“回馈”归还的三项承诺得到解决之后。 但我仍不认为产出应如此,因为这三项承诺是分开的,每一项承诺都建立了自己的联合业务链。 第一次退约执行时,该职能立即以未界定的方式解决。 接着,《 as法》(等待允诺和伐木三条)被推迟到下一个活动周期——被归入微观任务。 我认为,这符合通过减少而兑现的三项承诺。


const promises = [
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000, "Hi")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500, "second")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100, "third"))
promises.forEach(async promise => {
  // try to force the delay of the "promise" in the promises array.
  await 3;
const p = await promise;

The output is second, third, first. Why is this happening?

因此,为什么发生这种情况? 我完全照搬了不同的一些思义。


简短的答案是,就每个案例而言,你重新建立了3个短期的允诺链,而随着下降,你又重新建立了1个长期复杂链。 但是,让我们一步步地看待这一问题。

const promises = [
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10000, "Hi")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500, "second")),
  new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100, "third"))

First, I ll point out that these lines of code start the timeouts immediately. So regardless of what happens later, the timers will always go off at the 100ms, 500ms, and 10000ms marks (plus or minus the usual innacuracy of timers). The awaits decide what you want to pause for, but they don t affect when the original 3 promises resolve.

考虑到这一点,请看每一案件,因为它最简单。 我拿走了<代码>await 3,因为那很少。

promises.forEach(async promise => {
  const p = await promise;

Your function first gets called with the 10000ms promise. You await the 10000 ms promise, which causes your function to return a promise of its own. .forEach doesn t care what you return, so it moves on to the next element in the array, which is the 500ms promise. You await the 500 ms promise and return. Then same thing with the 100ms promise.

在100万ms之后,这一原始承诺将得到解决。 这意味着,现在可以恢复你职责的第三例,排出第三例。 在500米的标志上,这一最初的允诺决定了,使第二功能得以恢复。 最后,在10 000个标识上,这一功能的一审可以恢复。

And now let s turn our attention to the reducer case.

promises.reduce(async (a, promise) => {
  await a;
  const p = await promise;
}, Promise.resolve());

关于第一个版本,aPromise.resolve(<>/code>和promise<>的许诺。 您正在等待<条码>a,使您得以恢复新的承诺。 我们现在进入第二代。 <代码>a为首版的允诺,promise为500姆斯许诺。 您正在等待<条码>a>。 我们现在进入第三份版本,其中a是第二版的许诺,promise是100ms许诺。 您正在等待<代码>a,并兑现承诺。

Now that we ve finished the synchronous code, a microtask gets queued and the first function resumes after it s await a. The first function moves on to the next line and awaits promise, which is the 10000ms promise. The function pauses execution at this point.

A bit later, the 100ms promise resolves. Nothing is directly awaiting it, so nothing happens at this point. Later still, the 500ms promise resolves. Again, nothing is directly awaiting it. And even later, the 10000ms promise resolves. This allows the first function to resume. It logs "hi", then returns, thus resolving its own promise. Because it resolved its promise, function 2 (which was patiently sitting on await a) can now resume. function 2 then awaits promise, which is the 500ms promise. This promise is already resolved, so after the briefest of interruptions it resumes, logs "second" and returns. This in turn unlocks function 3, which awaits promise (the 100ms one), then resumes. It logs out "third" and is done.

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