>Set-CsUser -Identity "[email protected]" -OnPremLineURI tel:+15149401111 -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true
>Set-CsUser: Can not update OnPremLineURI as the user has dirsynced onpremise LineURI.
Many googles of this issue points to the fact that Teams is blocking us from setting the OnPremLineURI
because it incorrectly thinks it is being set from the on prem AD, but it is not. In fact, there is not even an attribute to set this on prem given there is no Skype for Business setup in our environment and there never was.
Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {OnPremLineURIManuallySet -eq $False -and EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $true} | Format-Table UserPrincipalName, LineURI, OnPremLineURI, VoicePolicy, OnPremLineURIManuallySet, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
UserPrincipalName LineURI OnPremLineURI VoicePolicy OnPremLineURIManuallySet EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
----------------- ------- ------------- ----------- ------------------------ ----------------------
[email protected] tel:+15149401111 tel:+15149401111 HybridVoice False True
至今为止,我们确定的唯一工作是完全完成delete 账户并重开账户。 是否有其他人碰到这一问题,或者说是问题的原因,还是可能更好的解决?