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Unable to Reorder Rows within a Group using Row Drag in ag-Grid Angular
原标题:Unable to Reorder Rows within a Group using Row Drag in ag-Grid Angular
The bounty expires in 5 days. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Anil Kumar Reddy A wants to draw more attention to this question.


这里,我手法的幻灯塔:CodeSand Box

有了这种安排,我预计能够通过拖拉和退行,重新排队在一个集团内。 然而,这些行文并没有按预期变动。

我在阅读了单方文件并尝试了各种解决办法,但似乎没有一份解决办法。 我不敢肯定,我是否失踪了东西,或者在干.中是否有ug。


确保你的浏览数据具有独特的识别特征,可用于识别每一行。 你们可以为此目的利用id。

<>可见> Ag grid


<ag-grid-angular [getRowId]="getRowId"></ag-grid-angular>

getRowId(params: GetRowIdParams) {
    return params.data.id;

onGridReady(params: GridReadyEvent) {
   this.gridApi = params.api;

    // add id to each item, needed for immutable store to work
    immutableStore.forEach(function (data, index) {
       data.id = index;
    params.api.setGridOption("rowData", immutableStore);

Implement Row Drag and Drop: Use an immutable store as describe in ag grid documentation

onRowDragMove(event: RowDragEndEvent) {
        var movingNode = event.node;
        var overNode = event.overNode;
        var rowNeedsToMove = movingNode !== overNode;
        if (rowNeedsToMove) {
          // the list of rows we have is data, not row nodes, so extract the data
          var movingData = movingNode.data;
          var overData = overNode!.data;
          var fromIndex = immutableStore.indexOf(movingData);
          var toIndex = immutableStore.indexOf(overData);
          var newStore = immutableStore.slice();
          moveInArray(newStore, fromIndex, toIndex);
          immutableStore = newStore;
          this.gridApi.setGridOption("rowData", newStore);
        function moveInArray(arr: any[], fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) {
          var element = arr[fromIndex];
          arr.splice(fromIndex, 1);
          arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element);

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 完成不可改变的仓库的价值:

export class AppComponent {
// ...
var immutableStore: any[] = getData();

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