我想像以下的本土反应那样,制造一种下降的菜单。 请建议采取这种做法。
仅安装react-native-popup-menu,并使用该软件,如 docs所解释。
可以通过使用react-native-elements与本法典(Just for 3 dots):
import { Icon } from react-native-elements ;
name={ dots-three-vertical }
type={ entypo }
color= #FFF
I think you can use Picker
component from react native and for the details you can read picker documentation:
import {View,Text,Picker} from react-native ;
//in your render method
return (
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => this.setState({menu:emValue})}
<Picker.Item label="Add Note" value="addnote" />
<Picker.Item label="Share" value="share" />
<Picker.Item label="Vault" value="vault" />
在一些人仍然寻求这种选择的情况下,我现在就把这一选择落实到我自己的肩上,首先,你们都需要在-Menu-Provider-Component和当你(你需要做这一100%,否则不工作, pls读! docs)做的是,这里的门。
import { Feather } from @expo/vector-icons ;
import { Menu, MenuOptions, MenuOption, MenuTrigger} from react-native-popup-menu ;
<Menu style={{marginRight:5}}>
<Feather name="menu" size={30} color="white" />
<MenuOption onSelect={() => alert(`pressed1`)} >
<Text style={{color: green }}>Option1</Text>
<MenuOption onSelect={() => alert(`pressed2`)} >
<Text style={{color: red }}>Option2</Text>
<MenuOption onSelect={() => alert(`pressed3`)} >
<Text style={{color: yellow }}>Option3</Text>
Like you see, I used an Icon which I placed inside the MenuTrigger component. I wanted to have an Icon which I click upon and after that the menu opens, exactly how the creator of this question wanted.
OnSelect executes a function which will be called if you choose the option in the dropdown menu, basicly its nothing else then onPress with a button.
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- urlrewriter
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