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原标题:Make shard processes use the same pool
The bounty expires in 6 days. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Hasan Kayra wants to draw more attention to this question.

我想在我的硬性管理人(服务器)中建立一个人才库,然后通过硬程序(机器人)。 这里是我的hard夫经理(服务器):

var clientMysqlEvent = require( ./database/botpool.js ).connection;
const flatted = require( flatted );
const clientMysqlEventserialized = flatted.stringify(clientMysqlEvent);
const { ShardingManager } = require( discord.js );
  const shard = new ShardingManager( ./bot.js , {
    token: config.token,
    respawn: true,
  shard.spawn({ amount: splen, delay: 100, timeout: 120000 }); 
    //console.log(`[DEBUG/SHARD] Shard ${shard.id} connected to Discord s Gateway.`)
    // Sending the data to the shard.
    shard.on("ready", () => {
      console.log(`[SHARD] Shard ${formatedShardId} connected to Discord s Gateway.`)
      // Sending the data to the shard.
      shard.send({type: "shardId", data: {shardId: shard.id, shardTotal: splen}});
      shard.send({type: "myDb", data: {dbManager: clientMysqlEventserialized}});


const mysql  = require( mysql );
    var connection = mysql.createPool({
      connectionLimit : 20,
      host     :  localhost ,
      user     :  user ,
      password :  pass ,
      database :  db 
    connection.on( release , function (connection1) {
        console.log( BOT: Connection %d released , connection1.threadId);
    connection.on( acquire , function (connection1) {
        console.log( BOT: Connection %d acquired , connection1.threadId);
    connection.on( connection , function (connection1) {
        console.log( BOT: Connection %d connected , connection1.threadId);
    connection.on( enqueue , function () {
        console.log( BOT: Waiting for available connection slot );
    exports.connection = connection;


const flatted = require( flatted );
var mysql = null;
process.on( message , message => {
  if (!message.type) return false;
  if (message.type == "shardId") {
    console.log(`The shard id is: ${message.data.shardId + Number(1)}`);
    console.log(`Total shard number is: ${message.data.shardTotal}`)
    clientShardId = message.data.shardId + Number(1)
    totalShardIds = message.data.shardTotal
    console.log("Captured data: "+clientShardId+"/"+totalShardIds)
    client.user.setPresence({ activities: [{ name: `${config.activities} [${message.data.shardId + Number(1)} / ${message.data.shardTotal}]` }] });
} else if (message.type == "myDb") {
    //mysql = message.data.dbManager;
    mysql = flatted.parse(message.data.dbManager);



Let me try to solve your problem but I can t confirm if it is correct. The reason your approach is not working is that you are creating the pool connection in the shard manager and then trying to send the connection object to the shard process. However, the connection object cannot be serialized and sent over the IPC channel.


  1. Create the pool connection in the shard process (bot.js) instead of the shard manager (server.js).
  2. Send the database connection configuration (such as the host, user, password, and database name) to the shard process.
  3. Use the database connection configuration in the shard process to create the pool connection.

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